Jason Zuckerman

Law360 Quotes Whistleblower Attorney Jason Zuckerman About Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protections

Law360 Quotes Whistleblower Attorney Jason Zuckerman About Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protections

UPDATE: In Digital Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers, the Supreme Court clarified the scope of…

11 years ago

Tragic Environmental Disaster in West Virginia Should Spur TSCA Reform, Including Stronger Whistleblower Protections

Three hundred thousand residents of Charleston, West Virginia are unable to use tap water because…

11 years ago

DC Circuit Decision Highlights Procedural Complexity of Federal Employee Whistleblower Retaliation and Discrimination Claims

The DC Circuit’s recent decision in  Schlottman v. Perez underscores the procedural complexity of federal…

11 years ago

Bridgegate Highlights the Importance of Setting the Right Tone at the Top

Until last week, Governor Christie was widely acclaimed for his leadership skills, and his image…

11 years ago

Whistleblower Counsel Jason Zuckerman Speaks at Webinar About Representing State and Federal Whistleblowers

Whistleblower attorney Jason Zuckerman spoke at a CELA webinar titled "Whistle While You Work: What…

11 years ago

Law360 Quotes Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Zuckerman About Chilling Effect of Saavedra Decision Criminalizing Whistleblowing

  In an article titled Whistleblower Ruling May Make Workers Clam Up, Law360 quotes whistleblower…

11 years ago

SEC Obtains $5 Million Penalty for Accounting Scheme

Company Inflated Earrings by Underreporting Costs In a press release, the SEC announced a settlement…

11 years ago

OSHA Orders Relief for Truck Driver in STAA Whistleblower Retaliation Case

  OSHA’s Whistleblower Protection Program is getting 2014 off to a great start, issuing an…

11 years ago

Jason Zuckerman Introduces Distinguished Qui Tam Whistleblower Jim Holzrichter

During NELA's recent conference titled "Shining The Light On Whistleblower & Retaliation Claims," I was…

11 years ago

Whistleblower Attorney Jason Zuckerman Speaks on Panel About Recent Developments in Whistleblower Protections

  At NELA's 2013 Summit For Workers’ Rights, whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman spoke on a…

11 years ago

Jason Zuckerman Speaks at Taxpayers Against Fraud Conference About Robust Whistleblower Protections

  Whistleblower advocate Jason Zuckerman spoke at a Taxpayers Against Fraud conference on a panel…

11 years ago

Whistleblower Lawyer Speaks on Panel About Whistleblower Investigations

Whistleblower attorney Jason Zuckerman spoke at an ABA Section of Labor & Employment Law Employment…

11 years ago