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Working with Zuckerman Law FAQs

best sec whistleblower lawyerZuckerman Law is privileged to represent whistleblowers worldwide in whistleblower rewards and whistleblower retaliation cases.  We pride ourselves on close collaboration with our clients and employing creative solutions to achieve our clients’ objectives.  See reviews from our clients.

To schedule a confidential consultation with our leading whistleblower lawyers, contact us today at 202-262-8959.

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Our approach to collaborating with our clients:

  • The firm’s success is the result of close collaboration with our clients to achieve their objectives.
  • The client is always in control of the prosecution of their claim and we provide advice to enable the client to make informed decisions.
  • We apply a laser-sharp focus to the client’s objectives and work diligently to achieve those objectives.
  • We avoid surprises by providing timely updates about any new developments in a matter and continually advising our clients about the next step in the process and the client’s options.
  • While there are significant obstacles in nearly every matter that we handle, we have found that extraordinary perseverance and diligence enables us to achieve our clients’ objectives.

Common questions from our clients include:

Hire a Winning Team of SEC Whistleblower Lawyers

It is critical to hire counsel with the knowledge and experience to maximize your likelihood of recovering a whistleblower award.  Before retaining an SEC whistleblower attorney, ask about their track record representing whistleblowers. Some aspects of our experience that set us apart and enabled us to obtain awards for our clients include:

SEC whistleblower lawyers

  • Dallas Hammer has extensive experience representing whistleblowers in retaliation and rewards claims and has helped whistleblowers secure award for reporting fraud on the government, foreign bribery, and accounting fraud.  He was selected by his peers to be included in The Best Lawyers in America® in the category of employment law in 2021 and 2022.
  • Described by the National Law Journal as a “leading whistleblower attorney,” founding Principal Jason Zuckerman has established precedent under a wide range of whistleblower protection laws and obtained substantial compensation for his clients and recoveries for the government in whistleblower rewardsand whistleblower retaliation cases.  He served on the Department of Labor’s Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations to the Secretary of Labor to improve OSHA’s administration of federal whistleblower protection laws.  Zuckerman also served as Senior Legal Advisor to the Special Counsel at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, the federal agency charged with protecting whistleblowers in the federal government.  At OSC, he oversaw investigations of whistleblower claims and obtained corrective action or relief for whistleblowers.
  • Zuckerman was recognized by Washingtonian magazine as a “Top Whistleblower Lawyer” (2020, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2009, and 2007), selected by his peers to be included in The Best Lawyers in America® in the category of employment law (2011-2021) and in SuperLawyers in the category of labor and employment law (2012 and 2015-2021), is rated 10 out of 10 by Avvo, based largely on client reviews, and is rated AV Preeminent® by Martindale-Hubbell based on peer reviews.

Whistleblower Retaliation Lawyers

Our experienced whistleblower retaliation lawyers have substantial experience litigation whistleblower retaliation cases nationwide, including claims under the Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower protection law.  To schedule a confidential consultation, call us at 202-262-8959 or send us a message.

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Described by the National Law Journal as a “leading whistleblower attorney,” founding Principal Jason Zuckerman has established precedent under a wide range of whistleblower protection laws and obtained substantial compensation for his clients and recoveries for the government in whistleblower rewards and whistleblower retaliation cases.  Three of the cases he worked on are featured in Tom Mueller’s seminal book about whistleblowing Crisis of Conscience: Whistleblowing in an Age of Fraud and Dan Maldea’s Corruption in U.S. Higher Education: The Stories of Whistleblowers.  The False Claims Act qui tam cases that Zuckerman has worked on in conjunction with other attorneys have resulted in recoveries in excess of $100 million, and he has secured settlements above $1 million in eight SOX whistleblower retaliation matters.

In 2019, the National Law Review awarded Zuckerman its “Go-To Thought Leadership Award” for his analysis of developments in whistleblower law, and Washingtonian magazine has named two of our attorneys to its list of Top Whistleblower Attorneys.  U.S. News and Best Lawyers® have named Zuckerman Law a Tier 1 firm in Litigation – Labor and Employment in the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 2020 edition “Best Law Firms.”

Image of False Claims Act and NDAA Whistleblower Protection FAQs


Whistleblower Attorney’s Guide to False Claims Act and NDAA Whistleblower Protection Laws

The False Claims Act (“FCA”) protects employees, contractors, and agents who engage in protected activity from retaliation in the form of their being “discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment.” 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h)(1).

The whistleblower protection provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) protect whistleblowers who report waste, fraud or abuse.

If you have suffered retaliation for whistleblowing, contact our experienced whistleblower lawyers today by calling us at 202-262-8959 or clicking here.

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Does the False Claims Act protect whistleblowers against retaliation?

Yes, the False Claims Act (“FCA”) protects employees, contractors, and agents who engage in protected activity from retaliation in the form of their being “discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment.” 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h)(1).

False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection Law

What is protected whistleblowing or protected conduct under the False Claims Act Retaliation Provision?

The FCA protects:

  1. “lawful acts . . . in furtherance of an action under [the FCA]”; and
  2. “other efforts to stop 1 or more [FCA] violations.” 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h)(1).

Recent cases have interpreted this protected activity to include:

  • internal reporting of fraudulent activity to a supervisor;
  • steps taken in furtherance of a potential or actual qui tam action;
  • efforts to remedy fraudulent activity or to stop an FCA violation; and
  • refusal to violate the False Claims Act.

Does the False Claims Act anti-retaliation law protect efforts to stop a government contractor from defrauding the government?

Yes: the FCA protects whistleblowers who try to prevent one or more violations of the FCA, as long as they have an objectively reasonable belief that their employer is violating, or will soon violate, the FCA. Case law has clarified that efforts to stop an FCA violation are protected even if they are not meant to further a qui tam claim.  For example, refusing to falsify documentation that will be submitted to Medicare is protected.

Is False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection Limited to Disclosures About the Whistleblower’s Employer?

No.  The whistleblower protection provision of the False Claims Act (FCA) protects “lawful acts done by the employee, contractor, agent or associated others in furtherance of an action under [the FCA] or other efforts to stop 1 or more violations of [the FCA].”

Recently the Fourth Circuit held in O’Hara v. Nika Technologies, Inc., 2017— F.3d —-2017 WL 6542675 (4th Cir. Dec. 22, 2017):

The plain language of § 3730(h) reveals that the statute does not condition protection on the employment relationship between a whistleblower and the subject of his disclosures. Section 3730(h) protects a whistleblower from retaliation for “lawful acts done … in furtherance of an action under this section.” 31U.S.C. § 3730(h)(1). The phrase “an action under this section” refers to a lawsuit under §3730(b), which in turn states that “[a] person may bring a civil action for a violation of [the FCA].” Id. §3730(b)(1). Therefore, § 3730(hprotects lawful acts in furtherance of an FCA action. This language indicates that protection under the statute depends on the type of conduct that the whistleblower discloses—i.e., a violation of the FCA—rather than the whistleblower’s relationship to the subject of his disclosures.

Does the False Claims Act retaliation law protect internal reporting to a government contractor or grantee?

Yes, case law has clarified that the act of internal reporting itself suffices as both the effort to stop the FCA violation and the notice to the employer that the employee is engaging in protected activity.

Does the False Claims Act prohibit retaliation against an employee for the employee’s refusal to participate in a fraudulent scheme?

Yes.  As the Second Circuit held in Fabula v. American Medical Response, Inc., an employee’s refusal to sign fraudulent reimbursement documentation constitutes protected whistleblowing.  There the court notes that “[t]here is, at best, a hair’s-breadth distinction between complaining internally that a practice is illegal under the FCA and advising a supervisor of one’s refusal to engage in that illegal practice.”

What acts of retaliation are prohibited by the False Claims Act anti-retaliation provision?

The False Claims Act prohibits an employer from discharging, demoting, suspending, threatening, harassing, or in any other manner discriminating against a whistleblower.  Prohibited retaliation includes:

  • oral or written reprimands;
  • reassignment of duties;
  • constructive discharge; and
  • retaliatory lawsuits against whistleblowers.

What type of constructive discharge is prohibited by the False Claims Act anti-retaliation law?

In Smith v. LHC Group, Inc., 2018 WL 1136072 (March 2, 2018), the Sixth Circuit held that where an employer ignores an employee’s disclosures about fraud on the government and the employee is reasonably concerned that he may be charged with fraud by the government if he remains in the job, the employee’s resignation is an actionable constructive discharge.  In other words, a jury could find that the employer’s alleged fraudulent behavior plus the employee’s moral conscience and reasonable fear of being accused of participating in the employer’s fraud is enough to justify quitting.

What must a whistleblower prove to prevail in a False Claims Act whistleblower retaliation case?

A whistleblower must prove that:

  1. the whistleblower engaged in protected activity;
  2. the whistleblower’s employer took an adverse employment action against him or her; and
  3. the adverse employment action was taken because of the whistleblower’s protected activity. 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h)(1).
To establish the requisite causal connection, a FCA whistleblower retaliation plaintiff must show that her complaint and her termination were not “wholly unrelated.” Clover v. Total System Svcs., Inc., 176 F.3d 1346, 1354 (III) (B) (11th Cir.1999).  This burden can be met with evidence of very close temporal proximity and evidence that the employer was aware of the protected whistleblowing at the time it made the decision to take an adverse employment action against the plaintiff. Holifield v. Reno, 115 F.3d 1555, 1566 (II) (B) (2) (11th Cir. 1997).
Recently the Third Circuit held that FCA retaliation claims require proof of ‘but-for’ causationDiFiore v. CSL Behring, LLC, 879 F.3d 71, 78 (3d Cir. 2018).  Note, however, that “but for” caution is not tantamount to sole factor causation.  See Burrage v. United States, 134 S. Ct. 881, 888-89 (2014) (an act is a “but-for” cause “[even if it] combines with other factors to produce the result, so long as the other factors alone would not have done so – if, so to speak, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”).

What damages can a whistleblower recover under the whistleblower-protection provision of the False Claims Act?

A whistleblower who prevails in an anti-retaliation action under the FCA may recover:

  • reinstatement;
  • double back pay, plus interest;
  • special damages, which include litigation costs, reasonable attorney’s fees, emotional distress, and other noneconomic harm from the retaliation. 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h)(2).

Recently, a jury awarded more than $2M to a whistleblower in an FCA retaliation case.  As there is no cap on compensatory damages, FCA retaliation plaintiffs can potentially recover substantial damages for the retaliation that they have suffered.

What is the statute of limitations for a False Claims Act Whistleblower Retaliation Case?

The statute of limitations for FCA retaliation claims is three years from the date on which the retaliation occurred.  FCA retaliation claims can be brought directly in federal court; there is no administrative exhaustion requirement.

False Claims Act Qui Tam Actions

Whistleblower Protections for Employees of Government Contractors and Grantees

Guide to NDAA Whistleblower Protection Law

For more information about whistleblower protections for employees of government contractors and grantees, including Department of Defense contractors, see our Practical Law Practice Note titled Whistleblower Protections Under the National Defense Authorization Act. This Practice Note surveys the legal protections for employees of federal contractors, subcontractors, and grantees that receive federal funds who report waste, fraud, or abuse involving federal funds, a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal contract, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

In addition, the outline explains the procedures that govern the filing, investigation and adjudication of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) whistleblower retaliation claims.

Topics covered include:

  • Protected whistleblowing under the NDAA.
  • The scope of coverage of the NDAA’s whistleblower protection provisions.
  • The reasonable belief standard governing NDAA protected whistleblowing.
  • Proving “contributing factor” causation
  • The same-decision affirmative defense
  • Remedies or damages available to prevailing NDAA whistleblowers.

Experienced False Claims Act Whistleblower Retaliation and Whistleblower Protection Lawyers

The experienced whistleblower attorneys at leading whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law have substantial experience representing whistleblowers disclosing fraud and other wrongdoing at government contractors and grantees.  To schedule a free preliminary consultation, click here or call us at 202-262-8959.

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Our experience includes:

  • Representing whistleblowers in NDAA retaliation claims before the Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice Offices of Inspectors General.
  • Litigating False Claims Act retaliation cases.
  • Representing qui tam relators in False Claims Act cases.
  • Representing whistleblowers disclosing fraud on the government in Congressional investigations.
  • Training judges, senior Office of Inspector General officials, and federal law enforcement about whistleblower protections.

In addition, we have substantial experience representing whistleblowers under the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) and enforcing the WPA, the law that the NDAA whistleblower provisions are based upon.  Jason Zuckerman served as Senior Legal Advisor to the Special Counsel at OSC, where he worked on the implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act and oversaw several high-profile investigations of whistleblower retaliation claims and whistleblower disclosures.

We have also written extensively about whistleblower protections for employees of government contractors and grantees, including the following articles and blog posts:



Image of SOX Whistleblower Protection FAQs



Download our guide to Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection

Contact us for a free consultation to find out how our experienced and effective SOX whistleblower lawyers can maximize your recovery. We are determined to secure justice and accountability for whistleblowers.

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Sarbanes-Oxley Corporate Whistleblower Protection Law from Experienced SOX Whistleblower Lawyers

Prohibited Whistleblower Retaliation Under the SOX Whistleblower Law

Proving Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Retaliation

Relief or Damages for SOX Whistleblowers

Litigating Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Retaliation Cases

Additional FAQs About the Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection Law

Whistleblower Protection Lawyers Representing SOX Whistleblowers Nationwide


best whistleblower lawyersLeading whistleblower firm Zuckerman Law represents senior professionals in high-stakes employment matters, including corporate officers, executives, managers, and partners at professional services firms.  The firm’s seasoned whistleblower attorneys have obtained substantial recoveries for clients under the Sarbanes Oxley whistleblower protection law and under other whistleblower laws.

Click here to read testimonials from CEOs, CFOs, and other senior professionals that we have represented. To schedule a free preliminary consultation, call us at 202-262-8959, or click here.

SOX Whistleblower Protection for SEC Whistleblowers

Protections for SEC Whistleblowers Post-Digital Realty (11-6-2020)

SOX Whistleblower Protection Damages and Remedies



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Washington DC Law Firm Representing SEC Whistleblowers

The whistleblower attorneys at leading Washington DC whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law help whistleblowers disclose fraud and other violations to the SEC Whistleblower Program.

To schedule a free consultation with our top-rated whistleblower attorneys, click here or call us at 202-930-5901.

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Since 2012, the SEC has issued more than $1.9 billion in awards to 397 whistleblowers, which includes awards to our clients totaling millions of dollars.  Our experienced and effective SEC whistleblower attorneys provide critical guidance to whistleblowers throughout the process to protect their identities and increase the likelihood that they not only obtain, but maximize their whistleblower awards.

Our clients’ SEC whistleblower tips have helped the SEC halt more than $1 billion in fraudulent investment schemes.

If you have original information that you would like to report to the SEC Office of the Whistleblower, contact the Director of our SEC Whistleblower Practice at [email protected] or call our leading SEC whistleblower lawyers at (202) 930-5901 or (202) 262-8959. All inquiries are confidential.

In conjunction with our courageous clients, our SEC whistleblower lawyers have helped the SEC halt multi-million dollar investment schemes, expose violations at large publicly traded companies, and return funds to defrauded investors.

In contrast to many other SEC whistleblower law firms, our team of SEC whistleblower lawyers includes a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner with substantial experience auditing public companies and investigating complex fraud schemes. We understand the many challenges that the SEC faces in investigating our clients’ disclosures and take measures to increase the likelihood that the SEC will be able to effectively pursue the disclosures that our SEC whistleblower lawyers provide on behalf of our clients.

Recently the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners published a profile of Matt Stock’s success working with whistleblowers to fight fraud:

SEC whistleblower lawyers

Click below to hear SEC whistleblower attorney Matthew Stock’s tips for SEC whistleblowers:

SEC whistleblower lawyers

How Can a Whistleblower Get an SEC Whistleblower Bounty?

What is the Process to Get an SEC Whistleblower Award?

What is the SEC Whistleblower Program?

What types of securities violations qualify for awards under the SEC Whistleblower Program?

What type of evidence should I provide to the SEC?

When is the best time to report the fraud or misconduct?

What is “original information” that can qualify for an SEC Whistleblower Award?

What is the SEC Whistleblower Program Form TCR?

The SEC Form TCR (Tip, Complaint, or Referral) is the form whistleblowers and their attorneys use to submit tips to the SEC Whistleblower Office. Learn more about the form by clicking here.

Attorneys Representing SEC Whistleblowers

As discussed in our articles, the SEC whistleblower program has become a very effective enforcement tool for the SEC.  But very few whistleblowers have received awards, which underscores the importance of having experienced counsel represent a whistleblower effectively at the SEC.

SEC Whistleblower Attorneys’ Resources for SEC Whistleblowers


sec whistleblower lawyers

Image of Federal Contractor Protection and Grantee NDAA Corporate Whistleblower Protection Law


Whistleblower Protection Law for Employees of Government Contractors and Grantees

[W]histleblowers are invaluable to the oversight work of Congress. We rely on people who are on the front lines seeing things as they truly are to provide information and blow the whistle when they see something going awry. They are one of our best sources of information about waste, fraud and abuse within the federal government.

As an institution, we should try to do everything we can to encourage them to come and speak with us, and when they do, to make sure that they have the proper and adequate protections.

The anti-retaliation provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (NDAA) will be a powerful tool to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in government contracts and grants, which total about half a trillion dollars annually.

If you have suffered retaliation for whistleblowing, contact our NDAA whistleblower protection lawyers to schedule a free confidential consultation.  Click here or call us at 202-262-8959.

For more information about whistleblower protections for employees of government contractors and grantees, including Department of Defense contractors, see our Practical Law Practice Note titled Whistleblower Protections Under the National Defense Authorization Act. This Practice Note surveys the legal protections for employees of federal contractors, subcontractors, and grantees that receive federal funds who report waste, fraud, or abuse involving federal funds, a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal contract, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

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See our tips to maximize your recovery in your whistleblower retaliation case.

NDAA Whistleblower Protection Law

Two provisions of the NDAA protect whistleblowers: Section 827, codified at 10 U.S.C. § 2409, covers individuals working on contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense or NASA; and Section 828, codified at 41 U.S.C. § 4712, covers individuals working on contracts or grants funded by other federal agencies. Section 827 amended an existing law that protects employees of DOD contractors, but Section 828 was enacted as a new pilot program and would have expired in 2017 absent the enactment of S. 795.

The scope of coverage is broad and includes all individuals performing work on a government contract or grant, including personal services contractors and employees of a contractor, subcontractor, grantee, or subgrantee. The NDAA whistleblower provisions do not apply, however, to work performed for intelligence agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the National Reconnaissance Office.  Note that the NDAA does not mention sovereign immunity and does not abrogate Eleventh Amendment immunity.   But a state entity such as a university could affirmatively agree to comply with the requirements of the NDAA.

Protected Whistleblowing under the NDAA/Defense Contractor Whistleblower Protection Law

Both NDAA anti-retaliation provisions protect disclosures about:

  • Gross mismanagement of a federal contract or grant, which is “a management action or inaction which creates a substantial risk of significant adverse impact upon the agency’s ability to accomplish its mission.” Kavanagh v. Merit Systems Protection Board, 176 F. App’x 133, 135 (Fed. Cir. April 10, 2006) (citing White v. Department of the Air Force, 63 M.S.P.R. 90, 95 (1994));
  • A gross waste of federal funds, which is “more than [a] debatable expenditure that is significantly out of proportion to the benefit reasonably expected to accrue to the government.” Chambers v. Department of the Interior, 515 F.3d 1362, 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (quoting Van Ee v. Environmental Protection Agency, 64 M.S.P.R. 693, 698 (1994));
  • An abuse of authority relating to a federal contract or grant, which is “an arbitrary or capricious exercise of power … that adversely affects the rights of any person or that results in personal gain or advantage to … preferred other persons.” Doyle v. Department of Veterans Affairs, 273 F. App’x 961, 964 (Fed. Cir. April 11, 2008) (quoting Embree v. Department of the Treasury, 70 M.S.P.R. 79, 85 (1996)); or
  • A “substantial and specific danger to public health or safety” (alleging the nature and likelihood of the harm, as well as when the harm may occur), or a “violation of law, rule or regulation” related to a federal contract. See Chambers, 515 F.3d at 1367, 1369.

To be protected, a disclosure must be made to a member of Congress or a congressional committee; an inspector general; the Government Accountability Office; a federal employee responsible for contract or grant oversight or management at the relevant agency; an authorized official of the U.S. Department of Justice or other law enforcement agency; a court or grand jury; or a management official or other employee of the contractor or subcontractor who has the responsibility to investigate, discover or address misconduct.

Broad Scope of Prohibited Retaliation Against Government Contractor Whistleblowers

Similar to the text of Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the NDAA whistleblower-protection provisions bar a broad range of retaliatory acts, including discharging, demoting or “otherwise discriminat[ing] against a whistleblower.” The latter, catchall category of retaliatory adverse employment actions will likely be construed to encompass the Burlington Northern material-adversity standard — i.e., prohibited retaliation likely includes actions that well might have dissuaded a reasonable worker from engaging in protected conduct. See Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. White, 548 U.S. 53, 67–68 (2006).

Favorable Causation Standard for NDAA Government Contractor Whistleblowers

The NDAA applies the burden-shifting framework and causation standard set forth in the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA). Under that standard, a complainant prevails merely by demonstrating that the protected disclosure was a contributing factor in a personnel action, which can be accomplished by using the knowledge-timing test (i.e., by showing that the person taking the personnel action knew of the disclosure and that the personnel action occurred within a period of time such that a reasonable person may conclude that the disclosure was a contributing factor in the personnel action). A whistleblower need not demonstrate the existence of a retaliatory motive to establish that protected conduct was a contributing factor in a personnel action. Marano v. Department of Justice, 2 F.3d 1137, 1141 (Fed. Cir. 1993).

Once a whistleblower has proved contributing-factor causation by a preponderance of the evidence, his or her employer can defeat the NDAA claim only by showing by clear and convincing evidence that it would have taken the same challenged action in the absence of the protected disclosure. Under the WPA, the law upon which the NDAA anti-retaliation provision is modeled, courts consider three factors in determining whether an agency meets this onerous burden:

  1. “The strength of the agency’s evidence in support of its personnel action”;
  2. “The existence and strength of any motive to retaliate on the part of the agency officials who were involved in the decision”; and
  3. “Any evidence that the agency takes similar actions against employees who are not whistleblowers but who are otherwise similarly situated.”

Carr v. Social Security Administration, 185 F.3d 1318, 1323 (Fed. Cir. 1999).

Remedies for Prevailing NDAA Whistleblowers

Remedies include reinstatement, backpay, uncapped compensatory damages (emotional distress damages) and attorney’s fees and costs.

Procedures Governing NDAA Whistleblower Retaliation Claims

An NDAA reprisal claim must be filed initially with the Office of Inspector General of the agency that awarded the contract or grant about which the employee disclosed wrongdoing. The statute of limitations is three years after the date of the reprisal. Unless the OIG determines that the complaint is frivolous, fails to allege a violation of the NDAA, or has previously been addressed in another federal or state judicial or administrative proceeding, the OIG shall investigate the complaint and, upon completion of such investigation, submit a report to the head of the agency.

The agency head can issue an order denying relief or require the contractor to take affirmative action to abate the reprisal and provide make-whole relief to the whistleblower. If the whistleblower has not obtained relief within 210 days of the filing of the complaint, then he or she may bring an action de novo in federal district court and try the case before a jury.

Where an NDAA complaint is removed to federal court, the whistleblower can add a claim under the anti-retaliation provision of the False Claims Act, which affords the whistleblower an opportunity to recover double backpay. The False Claims Act protects “lawful acts done by the employee, contractor, agent or associated others in furtherance of an action under [the FCA],” as well as “other efforts to stop one or more [FCA] violations.” 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h)(1). FCA-protected conduct includes internal reporting of fraudulent activity to a supervisor and steps taken to investigate a potential FCA action.

The following table summarizes key distinctions between Section 3730(h) of the False Claims Act and Sections 827 and 828 of the NDAA:

False Claims Act Whistleblower ProtectionNDAA/Defense Contractor Whistleblower Protection Act
CoverageEmployee, contractor, or agent of federal contractorEmployee of a contractor, subcontractor grantee, or subgrantee, or a personal services contractor
Scope of Protected Conduct (protected whistleblowing) Protects lawful acts done by the employee, contractor, agent, or associated others (1) in furtherance of an action under the FCA or (2) other efforts to stop 1 or more violationsProtects disclosures to employer or the government concerning:
-Violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal contract

-Gross mismanagement of a federal contract or grant

-Gross waste of federal funds

-Abuse of authority relating to a federal contract or grant

-Substantial and specific danger to public health or safety
Administrative ExhaustionNo exhaustion requirement; file directly in federal court Must file initially at OIG and after 210 days, can remove claim to federal court
Causation Standard"But for" causationContributing factor causation
DamagesDouble back pay, reinstatement, uncapped special damages (emotional distress and harm to reputation), attorney’s feesBack pay, reinstatement, uncapped special damages, attorney’s fees
Statute of Limitations
3 years3 years

False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection

False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection Law

Restrictions on Government Contractors’ Non-Disclosure Agreements

Federal regulations prohibit the federal government from “contract[ing] with an entity that requires employees or subcontractors of such entity seeking to report waste, fraud, or abuse to sign internal confidentiality agreements or statements prohibiting or otherwise restricting such employees or subcontractors from lawfully reporting such waste, fraud, or abuse to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative of a Federal department or agency authorized to receive such information.”  48 C.F.R. § 3.909-1(a)

And Section 883 of the NDAA of 2021 amends the Defense Contractor Whistleblower Protection Act (“DCWPA”) by prohibiting DoD from awarding a contract to a contractor that requires its employees to sign a confidentiality agreement “that would prohibit or otherwise restrict such employees from lawfully reporting waste, fraud, or abuse related to the performance of a Department of Defense contract to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative of the Department of Defense authorized to receive such information.”  In addition, Section 883 requires DoD contractors to inform their employees of this limitation on confidentiality agreements, i.e., inform them of their right to lawfully report waste, fraud, abuse, and other wrongdoing.

Testimonial from Federal Contractor Whistleblower

A former client represented by leading whistleblower firm Zuckerman Law in an NDAA whistleblower retaliation claim offered the following review of Jason Zuckerman on Avvo:

“I was in a very difficult work situation dealing with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and whistleblower claims, and I needed legal representation. I was referred to Mr. Zuckerman by an attorney for a major corporation, who indicated that if they were in a similar situation, they would want Mr. Zuckerman on their side. From the get-go, Mr. Zuckerman listened to the details of my situation and believed in the merits of my case. He quickly dug into the details of my case and asked me thought-provoking questions, providing his legal expertise to help to build and shape my case. In doing so, he led me to see clearly how the employer wronged me. With his probing questions and knowledge of the relevant and applicable laws/statues, we filed a very strong NDAA and whistleblower claim, and combined with his tenacity, I was eventually able to settle with my employer and avoid a lengthy lawsuit.

Mr. Zuckerman was very knowledgeable, professional, and always in my corner. He was always accessible, and always very responsive to my questions and needs. He accompanied me and represented me in official meetings, and he was always available to provide guidance, even emailing and responding to me very late in the evening. Mr. Zuckerman is competent, fair, ethical, and honest, and it was a pleasure working with him. I would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone who has experienced whistleblower retaliation.”


Experienced Government Contractor Whistleblower Protection Attorneys

The experienced whistleblower attorneys at leading whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law have substantial experience representing whistleblowers disclosing fraud and other wrongdoing at government contractors and grantees.  To schedule a free preliminary consultation, click here or call us at 202-262-8959.

Our experience includes:

In addition, we have substantial experience representing whistleblowers under the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) and enforcing the WPA, the law that the NDAA whistleblower provisions are based upon.

We have also written extensively about whistleblower protections for employees of government contractors and grantees, including the following articles and blog posts:

Exclusion for Claims Against the Government

As discussed in a December 2021 Department of Interior OIG Report of Investigation, the NDAA whistleblower protection provision does not appear to authorize a claim against the federal government:

“The text of § 4712 supports the conclusion that the Complainant cannot state a claim for whistleblower reprisal based on allegedly improper actions taken by the Government. First, the statute’s “Exhaustion of Remedies” clause gives the whistleblower the right to file an action against his or her employer—but not the Government—in Federal district court after exhausting all administrative remedies.5 Moreover, although § 4712 recognizes that prohibited acts of reprisal may involve “the request of an executive branch official,” 6 the statute contemplates that the alleged improper actions must be taken by the Federal contractor, grantee, or cooperative agreement partner, not the Government. The statute’s “Rules of Construction” also provide that, for purposes of stating a claim of reprisal under § 4712, “an employee who initiates or provides evidence of contractor, subcontractor, or grantee misconduct in any judicial or administrative proceeding relating to waste, fraud, or abuse on a Federal contract or grant shall be deemed to have made a disclosure” covered by 41 U.S.C. § 4712.7 Thus, the statute protects employees who “blow the whistle” on their employers in order to protect the Government from waste, fraud, or abuse. The statute does not create a private cause of action for non-Federal employees against the Government for alleged Government misconduct, which is what the Complainant is alleging here.”

Federal Contractor Whistleblower Protection Lawyers

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Whistleblower Lawyers Representing Employees in the Banking Industry

The banking whistleblower lawyers at Zuckerman Law, a Washington DC firm representing banking whistleblowers nationwide, have extensive experience representing whistleblowers in the financial services industry, including whistleblowers at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and other financial institutions. Click here to read reviews from our clients.

We have substantial experience representing whistleblowers in the financial services industry in whistleblower rewards and whistleblower retaliation cases.  Call our whistleblower lawyers today for a confidential consultation at 202-262-8959.

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Remedies or Damages in Banking/Financial Services Whistleblower Retaliation Cases

Click here to learn about the damages that can be recovered in a whistleblower retaliation case.

Are Disclosures About Consumer Financial Fraud Protected Under Federal Whistleblower Laws?

Yes, the anti-retaliation provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Act provides a cause of action for corporate whistleblowers who suffer retaliation for raising concerns about potential violations of rules or regulations of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

OSHA has issued final rules implementing the whistleblower protection provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA).   Enacted as Section 1057 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFPA’s whistleblower protection provision provides robust protection to employees who disclose fraud related to consumer financial protection services.

The whistleblower protection provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act also provides strong protection for whistleblowers.  Click here to download our free guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower protection law.

Banking Industry Employees Protected by the Consumer Financial Protection Whistleblower Law

The term “covered employee” means “any individual performing tasks related to the offering or provision of a consumer financial product or service.”  The CFPA defines a “consumer financial product or service” to include “a wide variety of financial products or services offered or provided for use by consumers primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, and certain financial products or services that are delivered, offered, or provided in connection with a consumer financial product or service . . . Examples of these include . .. residential mortgage origination, lending, brokerage and servicing, and related products and services such as mortgage loan modification and foreclosure relief; student loans; payday loans; and other financial services such as debt collection, credit reporting, credit cards and related activities, money transmitting, check cashing and related activities, prepaid cards, and debt relief services.”

Recently the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held in Calderone v. Sonic Houston JLR, L.P that the CFPA does not protect employees of auto dealers.

Scope of Protected Whistleblowing About Consumer Financial Protection Violations

The CFPA protects disclosures made to an employer, to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or any State, local, or Federal, government authority or law enforcement agency concerning any act or omission that the employee reasonably believes to be a violation of any CFPB regulation or any other consumer financial protection law that the Bureau enforces. This includes several federal laws regulating “unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices . . . related to the provision of consumer financial products or services.”

Some of the matters the CFPB regulates include:

  • kickbacks paid to mortgage issuers or insurers;
  • deceptive advertising;
  • discriminatory lending practices, including a violation of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”);
  • excessive fees;
  • any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means in connection with the collection of any debt; and
  • debt collection activities that violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The ECOA prohibits creditors from discriminating against “any applicant, with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction—on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or marital status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract).”  15 U.S.C. § 1691(a)(1).

CFPA protected conduct includes disclosures concerning:

  • Loan fraud – Where the plaintiff banker reported a fellow banker for preparing a loan for disbursement without providing the borrower three days to rescind their decision to borrow as required by state and federal consumer protection statutes, the District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia held this could be protected activity. Vaghela v. Huntington Bancshares, Inc., 2018 WL 2014087 (S.D. W.Va. Apr. 30, 2018).
  • Mortgage overbilling – Where the plaintiff mortgage attorney reported what he believed to be a widespread practice of significant overbilling of mortgage loans by a mortgage foreclosure firm, the District Court for the District of Maryland held that this could be protected. Yoder v. O’Neil Group, LLC, 2017 WL 6206074 (D. Md. Dec. 8, 2017).
  • Banking fraud – Where former bank employees alleged termination for reporting fraudulent sales practices that they alleged were violations of the Truth in Lending Act, the Home Ownership Equity Protection Act, and the Real Estate and Settlement Procedures Act, the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois held reporting violations of any of these statutes would be protected activity and retaliatory termination for objecting to these violations would violate the CFPA. Lysik v. Citibank, N.A., 2017 WL 4164037 (N.D. Ill. Sep. 20, 2017).
  • Lapses in bank management and judgment – Where a bank’s treasurer and chief financial officer uncovered and reported serious mismanagement of a bank and its funds, including the bank’s president using the business credit card for personal expenses and engaging in pattern of unusual check cashing by cashing checks by placing holds on employee accounts, the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held this could constitute protected activity. Becotte v. Cooperative Bank, 2017 WL 886967 (D. Mass. Mar. 6, 2017).
  • While the CFPB’s whistleblower protections are relatively broad, simply asking questions about alleged violations of banking laws will generally not constitute protected conduct. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that where a mortgage loan originator had a conversation with his employer bank’s mortgage compliance department about the obligation to mail out adverse action notices informing mortgage loan applicants that they had been denied loans and liability for failure to do so, he did not engage in protected activity. The court held the plaintiff-employee did not engage in protected activity because he did not object to the unlawful practice and instead only asked questions confirming and clarification what he should do in the future. The court, in its decision, implied that if the mortgage loan originator had instead objected to unlawful activity rather than only asking questions, his activity would have been protected under the CFPA, and his employer may have violated the statute by terminating his employment. See Veard v. F&M Bank, 704 Fed. Appx. 469 (6th Cir. 2017).

Reasonable Belief Standard in Banking Whistleblower Retaliation Cases

The CFPA whistleblower protection law employs a reasonable belief standard.  As long as the plaintiff’s belief is reasonable, the whistleblower is protected, even if the whistleblower makes a mistake of law or fact about the underlying violation of a law or regulation under the CFPB’s jurisdiction.

Prohibited Whistleblower Retaliation Against Financial Services/Banking Industry Employees

The CFPA whistleblower law proscribes a broad range of adverse employment actions, including terminating, “intimidating, threatening, restraining, coercing, blacklisting or disciplining, any covered employee or any authorized representative of covered employees” because of the employee’s protected whistleblowing.

Proving CFPA Whistleblower Retaliation

To prevail in a CFPA whistleblower claim, the whistleblower need only prove that his or her protected conduct was a contributing factor in the adverse employment action, i.e., that the protected activity, alone or in combination with other factors, affected in some way the outcome of the employer’s decision.  Where the employer takes the adverse employment action “shortly after” learning about the protected activity, courts may infer a causal connection between the two.  Van Asdale v. Int’l Game Tech., 577 F.3d 989, 1001 (9th Cir. 2009).

Filing a CFPA Financial Whistleblower Retaliation Claim

CFPA complaints are filed with OSHA, and the statute of limitations is 180 days from the date when the alleged violation occurs, which is the date on which the retaliatory decision has been both made and communicated to the whistleblower.

The complaint need not be in any particular form and can be filed orally with OSHA. A CFPA complaint need not meet the stringent pleading requirements that apply in federal court, and instead the administrative complaint “simply alerts OSHA to the existence of the alleged retaliation and the complainant’s desire that OSHA investigate the complaint.” If the complaint alleges each element of a CFPA whistleblower retaliation claim and the employer does not show by clear and convincing that it would have taken the same action in the absence of the alleged protected activity, OSHA will conduct an investigation.

OSHA investigates CFPA complaints to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that protected activity was a contributing factor in the alleged adverse action.  If OSHA finds a violation, it can order reinstatement of the whistleblower and other relief.

Is a Bank Whistleblower Eligible for an Award for Reporting Fraud?

Yes, bank whistleblowers may be eligible for an award under several whistleblower-reward programs. For example, the SEC Whistleblower Program will issue awards to whistleblowers who provide original information that leads to enforcement actions with total monetary sanctions in excess of $1 million. A whistleblower may receive an award of 10-30 percent of the monetary sanctions collected. The program also permits whistleblowers to submit anonymous tips to the SEC if represented by an attorney. The largest SEC award to date is more than $30 million to a whistleblower living in a foreign country.

Download our free guide SEC Whistleblower Program: Tips from SEC Whistleblower Attorneys to Maximize an SEC Whistleblower Award.

Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection for Banking and Financial Services Employees

The whistleblower protection provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act provides robust protection to corporate whistleblowers, and indeed some SOX whistleblowers have achieved substantial recoveries.  A former in-house counsel at a biotechnology company recovered $11 million in a SOX whistleblower retaliation case alleging that the company fired him for disclosing violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

On the fifteenth anniversary of SOX, leading whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law released a free guide to the SOX whistleblower protection law: “Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection: Robust Protection for Corporate Whistleblowers.”  The guide summarizes SOX whistleblower protections and offers concrete tips for corporate whistleblowers based on lessons learned during years of litigating SOX whistleblower cases.

The goal of the guide is to arm corporate whistleblowers with the knowledge to effectively combat whistleblower retaliation, avoid the pitfalls that can weaken a SOX whistleblower case, and formulate an effective strategy to obtain the maximum recovery.

Banking and Financial Services Whistleblower Lawyers

If you are seeking representation in a whistleblower protection case, click here, or call us at 202-262-8959 to schedule a free preliminary consultation.

Best SEC Whistleblower Lawyers & Attorneys best maryland employment lawyers

We have assembled a team of leading whistleblower lawyers to provide top-notch representation to whistleblowers.  Recently Washingtonian magazine named Jason Zuckerman and Eric Bachman top whistleblower lawyers.  Both Bachman and Zuckerman served in senior positions at the Office of Special Counsel, where they oversaw investigations of whistleblower retaliation claims and whistleblower disclosures, and enforced the Whistleblower Protection Act.  Let us put our unique experience and credentials to work for you:

Tips for Whistleblowers to Become Eligible for an SEC Whistleblower Bounty

CFPA Protected Whistleblowing

The CFPB has authority over a broad array of consumer financial products and services, including mortgages, deposit taking, credit cards, loan servicing, check guaranteeing, collection of consumer report data, debt collection associated with consumer financial products and services, real estate settlement, money transmitting, and financial data processing.  In addition, the CFPB is the primary consumer compliance supervisory, enforcement, and rulemaking authority over depository institutions with more than $10 billion in assets.

Some of the consumer financial protection laws that the CFPB enforces include:

  • Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act;
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act;
  • Equal Credit Opportunity Act;
  • Truth in Lending Act;
  • Truth in Savings Act;
  • Fair Credit Billing Act;
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act;
  • Electronic Fund Transfer Act;
  • Consumer Leasing Act;
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act;
  • Home Owners Protection Act; and
  • Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act

CFPA Whistleblower Protection Law


Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (CFPA),
Section 1057 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010,
12 U.S.C. § 5567
Enacted July 21, 2010
Note: Effective date of July 21, 2011, has been set by the Secretary of the Treasury
pursuant to Sections 1058 and 1062.


(a) In General – No covered person or service provider shall terminate or in any other way discriminate against, or cause to be terminated or discriminated against, any covered employee or any authorized representative of covered employees by reason of the fact that such employee or representative, whether at the initiative of the employee or in the ordinary course of the duties of the employee (or any person acting pursuant to a request of the employee), has –

(1) provided, caused to be provided, or is about to provide or cause to be provided, information to the employer, the Bureau, or any other State, local, or Federal, government authority or law enforcement agency relating to any violation of, or any act or omission that the employee reasonably believes to be a violation of, any provision of this title or any other provision of law that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau, or any rule, order, standard, or prohibition prescribed by the Bureau;

(2) testified or will testify in any proceeding resulting from the administration or enforcement of any provision of this title or any other provision of law that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau, or any rule, order, standard, or prohibition prescribed by the Bureau;

(3) filed, instituted, or caused to be filed or instituted any proceeding under any Federal consumer financial law; or

(4) objected to, or refused to participate in, any activity, policy, practice, or assigned task that the employee (or other such person) reasonably believed to be in violation of any law, rule, order, standard, or prohibition, subject to the jurisdiction of, or enforceable by, the Bureau.

(b) Definition of Covered Employee – For the purposes of this section, the term ‘covered employee’ means any individual performing tasks related to the offering or provision of a consumer financial product or service.

(c) Procedures and Timetables –


(A) IN GENERAL- A person who believes that he or she has been discharged or otherwise discriminated against by any person in violation of subsection (a) may, not later than 180 days after the date on which such alleged violation occurs, file (or have any person file on his or her behalf) a complaint with the Secretary of Labor alleging such discharge or discrimination and identifying the person responsible for such act.

(B) ACTIONS OF SECRETARY OF LABOR- Upon receipt of such a complaint, the Secretary of Labor shall notify, in writing, the person named in the complaint who is alleged to have committed the violation, of–

(i) the filing of the complaint;

(ii) the allegations contained in the complaint;

(iii) the substance of evidence supporting the complaint; and

(iv) opportunities that will be afforded to such person under paragraph (2).


(A) IN GENERAL- Not later than 60 days after the date of receipt of a complaint filed under paragraph (1), and after affording the complainant and the person named in the complaint who is alleged to have committed the violation that is the basis for the complaint an opportunity to submit to the Secretary of Labor a written response to the complaint and an opportunity to meet with a representative of the Secretary of Labor to present statements from witnesses, the Secretary of Labor shall–

(i) initiate an investigation and determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that the complaint has merit; and

(ii) notify the complainant and the person alleged to have committed the violation of subsection (a), in writing, of such determination.

(B) NOTICE OF RELIEF AVAILABLE- If the Secretary of Labor concludes that there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of subsection (a) has occurred, the Secretary of Labor shall, together with the notice under subparagraph (A)(ii), issue a preliminary order providing the relief prescribed by paragraph (4)(B).

(C) REQUEST FOR HEARING- Not later than 30 days after the date of receipt of notification of a determination of the Secretary of Labor under this paragraph, either the person alleged to have committed the violation or the complainant may file objections to the findings or preliminary order, or both, and request a hearing on the record. The filing of such objections shall not operate to stay any reinstatement remedy contained in the preliminary order. Any such hearing shall be conducted expeditiously, and if a hearing is not requested in such 30-day period, the preliminary order shall be deemed a final order that is not subject to judicial review.


(A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Labor shall dismiss a complaint filed under this subsection, and shall not conduct an investigation otherwise required under paragraph (2), unless the complainant makes a prima facie showing that any behavior described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (a) was a contributing factor in the unfavorable personnel action alleged in the complaint.

(B) REBUTTAL EVIDENCE- Notwithstanding a finding by the Secretary of Labor that the complainant has made the showing required under subparagraph (A), no investigation otherwise required under paragraph (2) shall be conducted, if the employer demonstrates, by clear and convincing evidence, that the employer would have taken the same unfavorable personnel action in the absence of that behavior.

(C) EVIDENTIARY STANDARDS- The Secretary of Labor may determine that a violation of subsection (a) has occurred only if the complainant demonstrates that any behavior described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (a) was a contributing factor in the unfavorable personnel action alleged in the complaint. Relief may not be ordered under subparagraph (A) if the employer demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the employer would have taken the same unfavorable personnel action in the absence of that behavior.


(A) TIMING- Not later than 120 days after the date of conclusion of any hearing under paragraph (2), the Secretary of Labor shall issue a final order providing the relief prescribed by this paragraph or denying the complaint. At any time before issuance of a final order, a proceeding under this subsection may be terminated on the basis of a settlement agreement entered into by the Secretary of Labor, the complainant, and the person alleged to have committed the violation.


(i) ORDER OF SECRETARY OF LABOR- If, in response to a complaint filed under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Labor determines that a violation of subsection (a) has occurred, the Secretary of Labor shall order the person who committed such violation–

(I) to take affirmative action to abate the violation;

(II) to reinstate the complainant to his or her former position, together with compensation (including back pay) and restore the terms, conditions, and privileges associated with his or her employment; and

(III) to provide compensatory damages to the complainant.

(ii) PENALTY- If an order is issued under clause (i), the Secretary of Labor, at the request of the complainant, shall assess against the person against whom the order is issued, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of all costs and expenses (including attorney fees and expert witness fees) reasonably incurred, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, by the complainant for, or in connection with, the bringing of the complaint upon which the order was issued.

(C) PENALTY FOR FRIVOLOUS CLAIMS- If the Secretary of Labor finds that a complaint under paragraph (1) is frivolous or has been brought in bad faith, the Secretary of Labor may award to the prevailing employer a reasonable attorney fee, not exceeding $1,000, to be paid by the complainant.


(i) FAILURE OF THE SECRETARY TO ACT- If the Secretary of Labor has not issued a final order within 210 days after the date of filing of a complaint under this subsection, or within 90 days after the date of receipt of a written determination, the complainant may bring an action at law or equity for de novo review in the appropriate district court of the United States having jurisdiction, which shall have jurisdiction over such an action without regard to the amount in controversy, and which action shall, at the request of either party to such action, be tried by the court with a jury.

(ii) PROCEDURES- A proceeding under clause (i) shall be governed by the same legal burdens of proof specified in paragraph (3). The court shall have jurisdiction to grant all relief necessary to make the employee whole, including injunctive relief and compensatory damages, including –

(I) reinstatement with the same seniority status that the employee would have had, but for the discharge or discrimination;

(II)the amount of back pay, with interest; and

(III)compensation for any special damages sustained as a result of the discharge or discrimination, including litigation costs, expert witness fees, and reasonable attorney fees.

(E) OTHER APPEALS- Unless the complainant brings an action under subparagraph (D), any person adversely affected or aggrieved by a final order issued under subparagraph (A) may file a petition for review of the order in the United States Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the violation with respect to which the order was issued, allegedly occurred or the circuit in which the complainant resided on the date of such violation, not later than 60 days after the date of the issuance of the final order of the Secretary of Labor under subparagraph (A). Review shall conform to chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code. The commencement of proceedings under this subparagraph shall not, unless ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the order. An order of the Secretary of Labor with respect to which review could have been obtained under this subparagraph shall not be subject to judicial review in any criminal or other civil proceeding.


(A) ACTIONS BY THE SECRETARY- If any person has failed to comply with a final order issued under paragraph (4), the Secretary of Labor may file a civil action in the United States district court for the district in which the violation was found to have occurred, or in the United States district court for the District of Columbia, to enforce such order. In actions brought under this paragraph, the district courts shall have jurisdiction to grant all appropriate relief including injunctive relief and compensatory damages.

(B) CIVIL ACTIONS TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE- A person on whose behalf an order was issued under paragraph (4) may commence a civil action against the person to whom such order was issued to require compliance with such order. The appropriate United States district court shall have jurisdiction, without regard to the amount in controversy or the citizenship of the parties, to enforce such order.

(C) AWARD OF COSTS AUTHORIZED- The court, in issuing any final order under this paragraph, may award costs of litigation (including reasonable attorney and expert witness fees) to any party, whenever the court determines such award is appropriate.

(D) MANDAMUS PROCEEDINGS- Any nondiscretionary duty imposed by this section shall be enforceable in a mandamus proceeding brought under section 1361 of title 28, United States Code.

(d) Unenforceability of Certain Agreements-

(1) NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS AND REMEDIES- Except as provided under paragraph (3), and notwithstanding any other provision of law, the rights and remedies provided for in this section may not be waived by any agreement, policy, form, or condition of employment, including by any predispute arbitration agreement.

(2) NO PREDISPUTE ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS- Except as provided under paragraph (3), and notwithstanding any other provision of law, no predispute arbitration agreement shall be valid or enforceable to the extent that it requires arbitration of a dispute arising under this section.

(3) EXCEPTION- Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), an arbitration provision in a collective bargaining agreement shall be enforceable as to disputes arising under subsection (a)(4), unless the Bureau determines, by rule, that such provision is inconsistent with the purposes of this title.


This subtitle shall become effective on the designated transfer date.


(a) IN GENERAL.–Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall –

(1) in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Governors, the Chairperson of the Corporation, the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, the Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration Board, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, designate a single calendar date for the transfer of functions to the Bureau under section 1061; and

(2) publish notice of that designated date in the Federal Register.


(1) may, in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Governors, the Chairperson of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, the Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration Board, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, change the date designated under subsection (a); and

(2) shall publish notice of any changed designated date in the Federal Register.


(1) IN GENERAL.–Except as provided in paragraph (2), any date designated under this section shall be not earlier than 180 days, nor later than 12 months, after the date of enactment of this Act.

(2) EXTENSION OF TIME.–The Secretary may designate a date that is later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act if the Secretary transmits to appropriate committees of Congress –

(A) a written determination that orderly implementation of this title is not feasible before the date that is 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act;

(B) an explanation of why an extension is necessary for the orderly implementation of this title; and

(C) a description of the steps that will be taken to effect an orderly and timely implementation of this title within the extended time period.

(3) EXTENSION LIMITED.–In no case may any date designated under this section be later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act.

banking industry whistleblower lawyers

Image of SEC Sanctions: Whistleblower Reference Guide

SEC Sanctions: Whistleblower Reference Guide

The SEC Whistleblower Program offers awards to individuals who provide original information that leads to enforcement actions with total civil penalties in excess of $1 million. A whistleblower may receive an award of between 10-30 percent of the total sanctions imposed. The table below identifies some of the largest SEC sanctions.

In FY 2021, the SEC received more than 12,200 whistleblower tips—the largest number of whistleblower tips received in a fiscal year. The most common violations reported by whistleblowers were Manipulation (25%), Corporate Disclosures and Financials (16%), Offering Fraud (16%), Trading and Pricing (6%), and Initial Coin Offerings and Cryptocurrencies (6%).

Sucess of the SEC Whistleblower Program

Since the Dodd-Frank Act went into effect, the SEC Whistleblower Office has awarded more than $1.3 billion to whistleblowers. The information and assistance provided by the whistleblowers who received awards under the program led to successful SEC enforcement actions in which over $5 billion in financial sanctions was ordered.

As discussed in our articles, the SEC Whistleblower Program has become a very effective enforcement tool for the SEC.  But very few whistleblowers have received awards, which underscores the importance of having experienced counsel represent a whistleblower effectively at the SEC.

Washington DC Lawyers Representing SEC Whistleblowers

The whistleblower lawyers at Zuckerman Law represent whistleblowers nationwide and abroad concerning a wide variety of securities law violations that are eligible for SEC whistleblower awards, including:

If you have questions about the SEC Whistleblower Program, contact the experienced SEC whistleblower attorneys at Zuckerman Law for a free, confidential consultation about your case by calling 202-262-8959.

The leading SEC whistleblower lawyers at Zuckerman Law have extensive experience representing corporate whistleblowers at the SEC. U.S. News and Best Lawyers® have named Zuckerman Law a Tier 1 firm in Litigation – Labor and Employment in the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 2021 edition “Best Law Firms.”

DefendantsDateSanction Violations
UBS Securities LLC, et al.Dec. 2008 $23 billion
UBS misled investors regarding the liquidity risks associated with auction rate securities (ARS) that they underwrote, marketed and sold.
Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Wachovia, Bank of America, RBC, Deutsche BankAug. 2008 $20 billion
The banks misrepresented to customers that ARS were safe, highly liquid investments equivalent to money market instruments and cash. The $20 billion represents the combined sanctions against the banks.
WorldCom Inc.July 2003 $2.3 billion
WorldCom misled investors by overstating its income by approximately $9 billion as a result of undisclosed and improper accounting. Specifically, WorldCom reduced its operating expenses by improperly releasing certain reserves held against operating expenses and improperly reduced its operating expenses by recharacterizing certain expenses as capital assets.
American International Group, Inc. (AIG)Feb. 2006 $1.6 billion
AIG was charged with improper accounting, bid rigging and practices involving workers’ compensation funds. According to the SEC's complaint, AIG's entered into two sham reinsurance transactions with General Re Corporation that were solely designed to falsely inflate AIG’s loss reserves by $500 million in order to silence analyst criticism that AIG’s reserves had been declining.
Adelphia Communications Corporation, et al.Apr. 2005$715 million
According to the SEC's compliant, Adelphia: (1) fraudulently excluded billions of dollars in liabilities from its consolidated financial statements by hiding them on the books of off-balance sheet affiliates; (2) falsified operating statistics and inflated earnings to meet Wall Street estimates; and (3) concealed rampant self-dealing by the Rigas family, including the undisclosed use of corporate funds for purchases of Adelphia stock and luxury condominiums.
CR Intrinsic InvestorsMar. 2013 $601 million
CR Intrinsic Investors allegedly participated in an insider trading scheme involving a clinical trial for an Alzheimer's drug. According to the SEC's complaint, the hedge fund advisory firm discovered negative results about the drug's clinical trial two weeks before they were made public. The firm then tipped several hedge funds about the negative results who subsequently sold off more than $960 million of the securities. The settlement is the largest ever in an insider trading case.
Goldman, Sachs & Co., Fabrice TourreJuly 2010 $550 million
Goldman Sachs misled investors in a subprime mortgage product just as the U.S. housing market was starting to collapse. Specifically, the SEC alleged that Goldman misstated and omitted key facts regarding a synthetic collateralized debt obligation (CDO) it marketed that hinged on the performance of subprime residential mortgage-backed securities.
BP p.l.c.Nov. 2012$525 millionBP mislead investors while its Deepwater Horizon oil rig was gushing into the Gulf of Mexico by significantly understating the flow rate in multiple reports filed with the SEC. The oil and gas company made fraudulent public statements about the flow rate of oil per day (5,000 barrels/day) despite its own internal data indicating that the flow rate could significantly higher (146,000 barrels/day).
Federal National Mortgage AssociationMay 2006$400 million
Fannie Mae engaged in a financial fraud involving multiple violations of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") in connection with the preparation of its annual and quarterly financial statements. These violations falsely portrayed stable earnings growth and reduced income statement volatility in order to maximize bonuses and achieve forecasted earnings.
INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. (IFG), et al.Oct. 2004$377 million
IFG facilitated widespread market timing trading in mutual funds with which each entity was affiliated. According to the SEC's order, "IFG entered into undisclosed market timing agreements with over 40 individuals and entities, which allowed them to market time certain Invesco funds... At their height, the market timers held over $1 billion of the assets invested in the Invesco funds and made excessive exchanges and redemptions totaling approximately $58 billion. In the aggregate, the market timing trades made under the agreements were detrimental to the Invesco funds’ shareholders."
Banc of America Securities LLC, et al.Feb. 2005$375 million
Banc of America Securities LLC allegedly entered into improper and undisclosed agreements that allowed favored large investors to engage in rapid short-term securities trading known as market timing.
Siemens AGDec. 2008$350 million
Siemens violated the FCPA by engaging in a widespread and systematic practice of paying bribes to foreign government officials to obtain business.
Merendon Mining (Nevada) Inc., et al.Nov. 2010$310 million
The SEC's complaint alleged that they architected a Ponzi scheme that persuaded more than 3,000 investors across the U.S. and Canada to invest their savings, retirement funds and even home equity.
Time Warner Inc., et al.Mar. 2005$300 million
Time Warner allegedly was materially overstating online advertising revenue and the number of its Internet subscribers.
J.P. Morgan, et al.Nov. 2012$297 million
Misleading investors in offerings of residential mortgage-backed securities
Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., et al.Oct. 2011$285 million
Citigroup mislead investors about a $1 billion collateralized debt obligation (CDO) called Class V Funding III (Class V III).
Prudential Equity Group, LLC, et al.Aug. 2006$270 million
According to the SEC's press release, Prudential's registered representatives defrauded mutual funds by concealing their identities, and those of their customers, to evade mutual funds' prospectus limitations on market timing.
Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.Mar. 2006$250 millionSecurities fraud for facilitating unlawful late trading and deceptive market timing of mutual funds by its customers and customers of its introducing brokers.
Qwest Communications International, Inc.Oct. 2004$250 millionQwest fraudulently recognized over $3.8 billion in revenue and excluded $231 million in expenses as part of a multi-faceted fraudulent scheme to meet optimistic and unsupportable revenue and earnings projections.
AXA Rosenberg Group, LLC, et al.Feb. 2011$242 millionSecurities fraud for concealing a significant error in the computer code of the quantitative investment model that they use to manage client assets. The error caused $217 million in investor losses.
Computer Associates International, Inc., et al.Sep. 2004$225 million
Securities fraud charges for allegedly keeping its books open to record revenue from contracts executed after the quarter ended in order to meet Wall Street quarterly earnings estimates.
Morgan Keegan & Company, et al.June 2011$200 millionFraud charges related to subprime mortgage-backed securities. Specifically, it failed to employ reasonable pricing procedures and nevertheless published the inaccurate daily NAVs and sold shares to investors based on the inflated prices.
Roys Poyiadjis, Lycourgos Kyprianou, et al.June 2005$200 millionAccording to the SEC's complaint, AremisSoft issued fraudulent statements in public filings and press releases, including reporting millions of dollars in sales to entities that either did not exist as operating businesses or did not purchase product from AremisSoft.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.Sep. 2013$200 millionFinancial fraud in JPMorgan's portfolio of credit derivatives known as the Synthetic
Credit Portfolio.
Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyAug. 2004$150 millionAllegedly overstated sales and earnings to meet or exceed financial projections.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.July 2003$135 millionAiding and abetting Enron Corp.'s securities fraud
Credit Suisse Nov. 2012$133 millionMisleading investors in mortgage offerings related to the financial crisis of 2008.
Mizuho Financial Group, et al.July 2012$127 millionAllegedly misleading investors in a collateralized debt obligation (CDO) by using “dummy assets” to inflate the deal’s credit ratings.
Royal Dutch Petroleum CompanyAug. 2004$120 millionShell overstated proved reserves reported in its 2002 Form 20-F by 4.47 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

SEC Whistleblower Bounties

SEC Whistleblower Lawyers’ Tips to Qualify for an SEC Whistleblower Award

For more information about the SEC whistleblower process, see the SEC’s investor bulletin on SEC investigations.

SEC Whistleblower Protection Against Retaliation


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