data privacy whistleblowing

FTC Whistleblower Act Would Reward and Protect Whistleblowing About Data Privacy Misconduct and Other Deceptive Practices

FTC Whistleblower Act Would Reward and Protect Whistleblowing About Data Privacy Misconduct and Other Deceptive Practices

Earlier this week, Representatives Jan Schakowsky and Lori Trahan (D-MA) introduced the FTC Whistleblower Act…

3 years ago

SEC Cybersecurity Enforcement Action Underscores Why Cybersecurity Whistleblower Disclosures Should be Protected under SOX

  There is mixed authority on whether the Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower protection law protects disclosures about…

3 years ago

Court Holds that an Internal Complaint About a Potential HIPPA Violation is Protected Under New Hampshire Whistleblower Law

  When an employee suffers retaliation for raising concerns to their employer about HIPPA violations,…

4 years ago

Federal Law Should Protect Data Privacy Whistleblowers

Data Privacy Whistleblowing The recent explosion of state data privacy laws demonstrates the need for…

4 years ago