Gender discrimination

The interplay between Title VII and the Equal Pay Act and why it matters in your pay discrimination claim

The interplay between Title VII and the Equal Pay Act and why it matters in your pay discrimination claim

Two of the main federal laws that help ensure female employees are paid the same…

7 years ago

The wage gap personified: compared to men, women will work the last 10 weeks of the year for free

"The median salary for women working full-time is about 80 percent of men’s," the Washington…

7 years ago

Information and resources to help employees combat sexual harassment

The recent high-profile sexual harassment claims involving Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes at…

7 years ago

The “salary negotiation” defense in Equal Pay Act claims

According to a Council of Economic Advisers issue brief about the Gender Gap, “median earnings for…

7 years ago

“Concrete ceiling” in corporate America remains for women of color

A new study by McKinsey & Co. and LeanIn.Org reveals that women remain significantly underrepresented…

7 years ago