hostile work environment

Can saying the “N-word” create a hostile work environment? The Supreme Court may soon weigh in.

Can saying the “N-word” create a hostile work environment? The Supreme Court may soon weigh in.

The Supreme Court has been asked to decide an issue that has sowed confusion among…

3 years ago

How the continuing violation doctrine can help your employment discrimination case

Workplace harassment and hostile work environment claims—most typically sexual or racial harassment—can be hard to…

3 years ago

Should the legal standard for harassment/hostile work environment claims be redefined?

With the possibility of more employees returning to the office in 2021, momentum is building…

4 years ago

The differences between workplace bullying and a “hostile work environment”

Workplace bullying and its damaging effects have been hot topics in the news recently. In…

4 years ago

ABC News interviews Eric Bachman on the employment law implications of President Trump’s comments

Eric Bachman spoke today with ABC News about the employment law implications of President Trump's…

5 years ago

Spreading gender-based rumors at work can create a hostile work environment, says federal appellate court

Can a false rumor about a woman “sleeping” her way to a promotion give rise…

5 years ago

$13 million awarded in sexual harassment jury trial

A federal jury awarded over $13 million in damages to a single plaintiff in a…

6 years ago

Best practices for preventing workplace sexual harassment

Law 360 spoke with Eric Bachman and other employment attorneys about key steps that corporate…

7 years ago

Information and resources to help employees combat sexual harassment

The recent high-profile sexual harassment claims involving Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes at…

7 years ago

Appeals court: “sand ni**er,” and other epithets do not create hostile work environment

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decided earlier this year that, although an employee was…

7 years ago