OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program

Whistleblower Lawyer Speaks on Panel About Whistleblower Investigations

Whistleblower Lawyer Speaks on Panel About Whistleblower Investigations

Whistleblower attorney Jason Zuckerman spoke at an ABA Section of Labor & Employment Law Employment…

11 years ago

Zuckerman Testifies About OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program

In a post titled Wherever I look, whistleblower issues abound, The Pump Handle, a blog…

11 years ago

Labor and Employment Law Forum Cites Jason Zuckerman’s Comments About Food Safety Whistleblower Protections

An article titled Whistleblower Law 101: Facing Food Industry Retaliation cites comments by whistleblower lawyer Jason…

11 years ago

Secretary of Labor Appoints Whistleblower Attorney Jason Zuckerman to Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee

The Secretary of Labor appointed whistleblower attorney Jason Zuckerman to serve on the Whistleblower Protection…

11 years ago

Whistleblower Protection Program Review Cites Jason Zuckerman’s Recommendations

A report summarizing a "top to bottom review" of OSHA's whistleblower program includes recommendations made…

11 years ago