Tax Fraud Whistleblower

How the IRS Whistleblower Program Can Combat Cryptocurrency Tax Fraud

How the IRS Whistleblower Program Can Combat Cryptocurrency Tax Fraud

Cryptocurrency Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion Due to weak reporting requirements that have not kept…

3 years ago

Whistleblower Lawyer Quoted in PoliticoPro About Tax Whistleblower Rewards and Protections

PoliticoPro Tax quoted whistleblower lawyer Matthew Stock about the IRS whistleblower reward program and recently…

4 years ago

Tax and Securities Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Interviewed by Bloomberg BNA

  Tax and Securities Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Interviewed by Bloomberg BNA Tax and securities fraud…

7 years ago

DC Whistleblower Lawyer Chairing CLE About Qui Tam, SEC, and IRS Whistleblower Rewards Claims

  Leading whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman will be chairing a DC Bar CLE titled “Recent…

10 years ago