False Claims Act whistleblower protection

Does the False Claims Act protect whistleblowing in the course of the whistleblower’s job duties?

Does the False Claims Act protect whistleblowing in the course of the whistleblower’s job duties?

  False Claims Act Retaliation Provision Protects "Duty Speech" Disclosures Traditionally, employees whose job duties…

7 years ago

What whistleblowing is protected under the False Claims Act anti-retaliation provision?

False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection The whistleblower protection provision of the False Claims Act (“FCA”), protects…

7 years ago

What is a false claim under the False Claims Act?

  False Claims Under False Claims Act The False Claims Act imposes civil liability on…

8 years ago

Is threatening a countersuit against a whistleblower an act of retaliation?

Yes, some courts have held that threatening to sue a whistleblower can be retaliatory if…

8 years ago

What whistleblowing is protected conduct under the False Claims Act?

The False Claims Act protects: “lawful acts . . . in furtherance of an action…

8 years ago

Does the False Claims Act protect whistleblowers against retaliation?

  False Claims Act Whistleblower Retaliation Yes: the False Claims Act (“FCA”) protects employees, contractors,…

8 years ago