Maryland Employment Lawyers

What happens after I file a claim with the EEOC?

What happens after I file a claim with the EEOC?

    They will take a look at the information and the evidence that you…

7 years ago

What happens when I file charges against an employer for discrimination?

    If you file a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission…

7 years ago

What if my employer retaliates against me for filing a discrimination claim?

  Most anti-discrimination laws also contain an anti-retaliation provision. That means the Congress has made…

7 years ago

What is a hostile work environment?

    A hostile work environment is a legal claim under federal anti-discrimination laws. What…

7 years ago

What is a protected class in a discrimination case?

    A protected class refers to a variety of different characteristics that Congress has…

7 years ago

What is glass ceiling discrimination?

    Glass ceiling discrimination is a form of promotion discrimination. What it refers to…

7 years ago

What is pregnancy discrimination?

    Pregnancy discrimination occurs when your employer treats you differently because you are pregnant…

7 years ago

What is the difference between a class action and an individual lawsuit?

    An individual case is what you normally see in courts, and that's what…

7 years ago

What kind of reasonable accommodation must my employer make for my disability?

    If you have a disability, your employer is going to be required to…

7 years ago

What kinds of workplace discrimination are illegal?

    There are many different kinds of workplace discrimination that are illegal. Generally, it's…

7 years ago

Can an isolated incident of discrimination constitute a hostile work environment?

Though an isolated incident of discrimination might not suffice to prove a hostile work environment,…

7 years ago

What should I do if I was a victim of discrimination at work?

    There are three main things that you should do if you believe you've…

7 years ago