Maryland Employment Lawyers

What types of employment actions do anti-discrimination laws cover?

What types of employment actions do anti-discrimination laws cover?

    Anti-discrimination laws cover most aspects of your employment. From the time you are…

7 years ago

Who is a similarly situated employee in an employment discrimination case?

    There are a number of factors that go into deciding who ultimately should…

7 years ago

Can an employer be held liable for customer sexual harassment?

    Yes, courts have held that an employer may be found liable for the…

7 years ago

Who is a “supervisor” in sexual harassment cases?

A supervisor is an employee whom the employer has empowered to take tangible employment actions…

7 years ago

How can employees combat harassment at work?

Combating Sexual Harassment If there are witnesses to the harassment, work with an attorney to…

7 years ago

What is the deadline for filing a sex harassment or retaliation claim?

Deadline for Filing Sexual Harassment Complaint Title VII requires plaintiffs to file a charge of…

7 years ago

What type of retaliation is prohibited against an employee who reports unlawful discrimination or harassment?

The anti-retaliation provision of Title VII proscribes not only tangible employment actions, such as termination…

7 years ago

Is an employer prohibited from retaliating against an employee because the employee reported harassment?

Reporting Sexual Harassment is Protected Conduct Under Title VII Yes, opposing or reporting unlawful employment…

7 years ago

What is an employer’s affirmative defense in a sex harassment case?

Affirmative Defense in a Sexual Harassment Case The employer is automatically liable and has no…

7 years ago

What damages or remedies are available for victims of sexual harassment?

Damages or Remedies for Sexual Harassment Several different types of remedies are available under Title…

7 years ago

Can a single incident of harassment suffice to establish liability?

  Yes, a single act of severe harassment can be actionable in certain, limited circumstances. …

7 years ago

In a sexual harassment case, does it matter if it is a supervisor versus a co-worker who is harassing me?

  Yes, the employer may automatically be liable if a supervisor’s harassment of an employee…

7 years ago