SEC Whistleblower Program

SEC Whistleblower Tips: What is the SEC Form TCR?

SEC Whistleblower Tips: What is the SEC Form TCR?

SEC Whistleblower Tips: What is the SEC Form TCR? The SEC Form TCR (“Tip, Complaint, or Referral”)…

8 years ago

Will I get a reward for reporting fraud being committed by my employer?

  Whistleblower rewards programs at federal agencies authorize the payment of awards to corporate whistleblowers,…

8 years ago

Can whistleblowers obtain rewards or bounties for reporting fraud to the SEC?

Qualifying for an SEC Whistleblower Award How to Successfully Navigate the Process to Obtain an…

8 years ago

Does the SEC protect whistleblowers?

The SEC recently brought its first enforcement action ever to be based solely on retaliation…

8 years ago

Can Zuckerman Law represent me in my SEC Whistleblower claim if I do not live in the state or country where the law firm has an office?

  Our experienced and effective whistleblower lawyers represent SEC whistleblowers both domestically and internationally. There…

8 years ago

Why should I choose Zuckerman Law to represent me in my SEC whistleblower claim?

  DISCLAIMER: Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case and…

8 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Program: Can I submit a tip if the SEC already has an open investigation?

How an SEC Whistleblower Can Significantly Contribute to the Success of an Enforcement Action Even…

8 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Program: What are the largest SEC whistleblower awards?

  Largest SEC Whistleblower Awards to Date Since 2012, the SEC has issued more than…

8 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Program: When is the best time to report fraud or misconduct to the SEC for an award?

  Whistleblowers should report fraud or misconduct to the SEC as soon as possible. While…

8 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Program: What type of evidence should I provide to the SEC?

  The best way to make your tip useful is to provide specific, timely, and…

8 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Program: How long does it take to receive an award?

  Timeline to Receive an SEC Whistleblower Award The amount of time it takes to…

8 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Program: What happens after I submit a tip to the SEC?

  The Office of Market Intelligence (“OMI”) evaluates incoming tips, complaints, or referrals (known as…

8 years ago