Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Does glass ceiling discrimination fuel sexual harassment?

Does glass ceiling discrimination fuel sexual harassment?

Top-Rated Workplace Sexual Harassment Attorneys Maryland Washington DC Virginia Zuckerman Law is committed to recovering…

6 years ago

What do I do if I am sexually harassed by my employer in Virginia?

Contact a Virginia Sexual Harassment Attorney for a Free Consultation We represent victims of sexual…

7 years ago

How do I choose a top sexual harassment lawyer in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC?

Experienced and Effective Sexual Harassment Attorneys: Serving Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia Our sex harassment attorneys…

7 years ago

What are the different ways to report or complain about sexual harassment at work?

The method you choose to complain about the harassment will depend on different factors, including:…

7 years ago

What are some indications that an employer performed a sham investigation of a discrimination complaint?

  Indications that an employer performed a sham investigation of a discrimination complaint include: The…

7 years ago

Is an employee protected against retaliation for testifying on behalf of a co-worker?

Several federal and state anti-retaliation laws prohibit an employer from retaliating against an employee on…

7 years ago

Is an employee protected against retaliation for participating in an employer’s internal investigation?

Yes.  The Supreme Court held in Crawford v. Metro. Gov’t  of Nashville, 555 U.S.271, 279-80…

7 years ago

How do I make a discrimination or harassment complaint?

    The first way is to check with your company's HR policies and procedures,…

7 years ago

If I complain about harassment and then am retaliated against, what rights do I have?

    Most anti-discrimination laws have an anti-retaliation provision in them as well. If your…

7 years ago

What does the EEOC do?

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is the EEOC, is a federal agency…

7 years ago

What is a hostile work environment?

    A hostile work environment is a legal claim under federal anti-discrimination laws. What…

7 years ago

What kinds of workplace discrimination are illegal?

    There are many different kinds of workplace discrimination that are illegal. Generally, it's…

7 years ago