Washington DC Employment Lawyers

What damages or remedies are available for victims of sexual harassment?

What damages or remedies are available for victims of sexual harassment?

Damages or Remedies for Sexual Harassment Several different types of remedies are available under Title…

7 years ago

Can a single incident of harassment suffice to establish liability?

  Yes, a single act of severe harassment can be actionable in certain, limited circumstances. …

7 years ago

In a sexual harassment case, does it matter if it is a supervisor versus a co-worker who is harassing me?

  Yes, the employer may automatically be liable if a supervisor’s harassment of an employee…

7 years ago

What is a hostile work environment?

  A hostile work environment is another form of sexual harassment.  A hostile work environment…

7 years ago

What are some methods to prove pretext in retaliation and discrimination cases?

Methods of proving that an employer's reason for taking an adverse employment action is false…

7 years ago

Is selective application of policy or disparate treatment evidence of retaliation?

Disparate treatment in the selective application of policy is powerful evidence of reprisal.  See, e.g.,…

7 years ago

How can I combat sexual harassment at work?

  No worker should ever suffer sexual harassment and anyone who commits sexual harassment should…

8 years ago

Can an employer be held liable for customer sexual harassment?

  Yes, courts have held that an employer may be found liable for the harassing…

8 years ago

What is sexual harassment?

  Sexual harassment is actionable under a hostile work environment theory when the harassing conduct…

8 years ago

What is direct evidence of discrimination?

  Direct evidence is evidence of conduct or statements that reveal a discriminatory motive for…

8 years ago

What is Required to Prove Gender Discrimination?

Absent direct evidence of discrimination, victims of gender-based discrimination can prove their claims under the McDonnell…

8 years ago