Whistleblower Lawyers

Can I report financial fraud and receive an SEC whistleblower award?

Can I report financial fraud and receive an SEC whistleblower award?

  Whistleblower Awards for Reporting Financial Fraud Yes. Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, eligible whistleblowers may…

6 years ago

What is a whistleblower reward?

  Whistleblower Rewards for Reporting Wrongdoing A whistleblower reward is a monetary incentive provided by…

6 years ago

What is the purpose of the NDAA/Defense Contractor Whistleblower Protection Act?

  Purpose of NDAA Whistleblower Protection Law The December 5, 2016 floor statements of Rep.…

6 years ago

What laws prohibit defense contractors from retaliating against whistleblowers?

Collapse False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection for Defense Contractor Whistleblowers The anti-retaliation provision of the…

6 years ago

Is an employer’s knowledge of protected whistleblowing a separate element of a whistleblower retaliation case?

The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board has held that knowledge of protected whistleblowing is…

6 years ago

What “related actions” qualify for an SEC whistleblower award?

Awards for "Related Actions" under the SEC Whistleblower Program Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, the SEC…

6 years ago

What is the original source exception to the public disclosure bar?

Collapse Original Source Exception to Public Disclosure Bar The public disclosure bar prohibits a relator…

6 years ago

What is a qui tam whistleblower lawsuit?

False Claims Act relators are eligible to receive 10% to 30% of the recovery.  In…

6 years ago

What is a reverse false claim?

Reverse False Claims Liability Reverse false claims liability arises where an entity or individual avoids…

7 years ago

What is preemptive retaliation?

Preemptive Retaliation The doctrine of preemptive retaliation permits a whistleblower to bring a claim where…

7 years ago

Must a False Claims Act qui tam relator have firsthand knowledge of all aspects of the fraud?

  Generally, the qui tam relator (the whistleblower) need not have firsthand knowledge of every…

7 years ago

Are disclosures about bank fraud protected under the Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower law?

  SOX Whistleblower Law Protects Disclosures About Bank Fraud Yes, a disclosure about bank fraud…

7 years ago