Whistleblower Lawyers

Does a whistleblower’s disclosure of his misconduct deny the whistleblower protection under whistleblower retaliation laws?

Does a whistleblower’s disclosure of his misconduct deny the whistleblower protection under whistleblower retaliation laws?

Under certain whistleblower protection laws, there is a deliberate misconduct defense under which an employee…

7 years ago

Is threatened disciplinary action an adverse action under the whistleblower retaliation laws?

Yes, threatening a whistleblower with disciplinary action can constitute an actionable adverse action.  In Stallard…

7 years ago

Does the False Claims Act authorize treble damages?

The False Claims Act provides that any entity violating 31 U.S.C. § 3729(a)(1) is liable…

7 years ago

Does a whistleblower have to sustain economic damages to bring a claim?

No.  As the ARB held in Dugger v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., ARB No. 16-079,…

7 years ago

When does the statute of limitations in DOL whistleblower retaliation cases commence?

  The statute of limitations begins to run from the time that the complainant knows…

7 years ago

How is interest on back pay calculated?

In FRSA whistleblower cases brought before the DOL, interest on back pay is computed using…

7 years ago

Does Section 806 of SOX preempt other claims or remedies?

Section 806 of SOX specifically provides that “[n]othing in this section shall be deemed to…

7 years ago

Who administers the whistleblower-protection provision of SOX?

The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) administers the anti-retaliation provision…

7 years ago

Does subjecting an employee to heightened scrutiny evidence retaliation?

Where an employer jumps on an employee’s first instance of misconduct or poor performance and…

7 years ago

What damages can a whistleblower recover under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

A prevailing SOX whistleblower can recover “all relief necessary to make the employee whole,” which…

7 years ago

If reinstatement is not feasible, can a judge award front pay in lieu of reinstatement?

Although reinstatement is the preferred and presumptive remedy to make an employee whole, some SOX…

7 years ago

Is retaliation that occurred outside of the statute-of-limitations period relevant evidence of retaliation?

Retaliatory acts outside the statute-of-limitations are relevant evidence of retaliation Discrete conduct occurring outside the…

7 years ago