Whistleblower Protection Lawyers

What types of false claims are prohibited by the False Claims Act?

What types of false claims are prohibited by the False Claims Act?

  False Claims Prohibited by the False Claims Act The False Claims Act permits whistleblowers,…

7 years ago

How can a whistleblower prove retaliation?

Circumstantial Evidence Proving Retaliation Circumstantial evidence of retaliation includes: temporal proximity; indications of pretext; inconsistent…

7 years ago

Does a SOX whistleblower need to prove that the employer’s reason for the adverse action is untrue?

A SOX whistleblower is not required to disprove the employer’s allegedly legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for…

7 years ago

Does OSHA prohibit gag clauses in settlement agreements?

OSHA Prohibits Gag Clauses in Settlement Agreements When a whistleblower retaliation case is resolved before…

7 years ago

Where are SOX whistleblower cases litigated?

A claim under the anti-retaliation provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act must be filed initially at…

7 years ago

Who administers the whistleblower protection provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

  A claim under the anti-retaliation provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act must be brought initially…

7 years ago

Do mandatory arbitration agreements encompass SOX whistleblower claims?

Sarbanes-Oxley retaliation claims are exempt from mandatory arbitration agreements. The statute states: "No predispute arbitration…

7 years ago

Can I sue an individual under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

  Individual Liability Under SOX Whistleblower Protection Law Yes, a whistleblower can bring a SOX…

7 years ago

Must a NDAA Whistleblower Retaliation Plaintiff Prove a Subjective Belief of a Violation?

  Protected Whistleblowing Under NDAA Whistleblower Law The whistleblower protection provisions of the NDAA protect…

7 years ago

Is a Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower required to prove fraud?

Is a SOX whistleblower required to prove shareholder fraud? A SOX complainant need not allege…

7 years ago

Can OSHA order the reinstatement of a Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower?

If OSHA determines there is “reasonable cause” to believe the complaint has merit, with limited…

7 years ago

Does subjecting an employee to heightened scrutiny evidence retaliation?

Jumping on the first instance of poor performance or misconduct indicates pretext, especially where the…

7 years ago