Whistleblower Protection Lawyers

What whistleblowing disclosures are protected under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

What whistleblowing disclosures are protected under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

  What is Sarbanes-Oxley protected conduct? Whistleblowers are protected under SOX for providing information, causing…

7 years ago

Why did Congress enact the whistleblower protection provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

  Purpose of SOX Whistleblower Protection Law When Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in…

7 years ago

What is front pay?

Many anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation statutes authorize reinstatement as an element of damages.  If restatement is…

8 years ago

Does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act protect whistleblowing about potential violations of federal securities laws?

A SOX retaliation plaintiff need not demonstrate that they disclosed an actual violation of securities…

8 years ago

What is perceived whistleblowing?

Courts and administrative tribunals have construed whistleblower protection laws to protect employees from adverse employment…

8 years ago

What whistleblowing is protected conduct under the False Claims Act?

The False Claims Act protects: “lawful acts . . . in furtherance of an action…

8 years ago

Does the False Claims Act protect whistleblowers against retaliation?

  False Claims Act Whistleblower Retaliation Yes: the False Claims Act (“FCA”) protects employees, contractors,…

8 years ago