Whistleblower Reward

If I report my company’s inflated key performance metrics, can I qualify for an SEC whistleblower reward?

If I report my company’s inflated key performance metrics, can I qualify for an SEC whistleblower reward?

SEC Whistleblower Rewards for Reporting Inflated Key Performance Metrics Yes, under the SEC Whistleblower Program…

6 years ago

Can I report a Ponzi scheme and receive an SEC whistleblower award?

Ponzi Schemes and SEC Whistleblower Awards Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, eligible whistleblowers may receive an…

6 years ago

Can I report financial fraud and receive an SEC whistleblower award?

  Whistleblower Awards for Reporting Financial Fraud Yes. Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, eligible whistleblowers may…

6 years ago

What is a whistleblower reward?

  Whistleblower Rewards for Reporting Wrongdoing A whistleblower reward is a monetary incentive provided by…

6 years ago

What “related actions” qualify for an SEC whistleblower award?

Awards for "Related Actions" under the SEC Whistleblower Program Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, the SEC…

6 years ago

What is the original source exception to the public disclosure bar?

Collapse Original Source Exception to Public Disclosure Bar The public disclosure bar prohibits a relator…

6 years ago

What is a reverse false claim?

Reverse False Claims Liability Reverse false claims liability arises where an entity or individual avoids…

7 years ago

Must a False Claims Act qui tam relator have firsthand knowledge of all aspects of the fraud?

  Generally, the qui tam relator (the whistleblower) need not have firsthand knowledge of every…

7 years ago

Does the False Claims Act authorize treble damages?

The False Claims Act provides that any entity violating 31 U.S.C. § 3729(a)(1) is liable…

7 years ago

Is there a heightened pleading requirement for False Claims Act qui tam cases?

Pleading Qui Tam False Claims Act Case in Detail False Claims Act qui tam actions…

7 years ago

What is the public disclosure bar in the False Claims Act?

  False Claims Act Public Disclosure Bar The public disclosure bar prohibits a qui tam…

7 years ago

What is the first-to-file bar in False Claims Act qui tam cases?

  False Claims Act First-to-File Bar The first-to-file bar prohibits a whistleblower from bringing suit…

7 years ago