Whistleblower Rewards and Bounties

What “related actions” qualify for an SEC whistleblower award?

What “related actions” qualify for an SEC whistleblower award?

Awards for "Related Actions" under the SEC Whistleblower Program Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, the SEC…

6 years ago

Are attorney fees paid from an SEC or CFTC whistleblower award taxable?

  Under 26 U.S. Code § 62(a)(21), as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act of…

6 years ago

What is the original source exception to the public disclosure bar?

Collapse Original Source Exception to Public Disclosure Bar The public disclosure bar prohibits a relator…

6 years ago

What is a qui tam whistleblower lawsuit?

False Claims Act relators are eligible to receive 10% to 30% of the recovery.  In…

6 years ago

What is a reverse false claim?

Reverse False Claims Liability Reverse false claims liability arises where an entity or individual avoids…

7 years ago

Must a False Claims Act qui tam relator have firsthand knowledge of all aspects of the fraud?

  Generally, the qui tam relator (the whistleblower) need not have firsthand knowledge of every…

7 years ago

Can an incomplete Section 303 MD&A disclosure give rise to Section 10(b) securities fraud liability?

Yes.  "Item 303 provides a critical backstop to prevent unscrupulous issuers from exploiting the trust…

7 years ago

Does the False Claims Act authorize treble damages?

The False Claims Act provides that any entity violating 31 U.S.C. § 3729(a)(1) is liable…

7 years ago

Is there a heightened pleading requirement for False Claims Act qui tam cases?

Pleading Qui Tam False Claims Act Case in Detail False Claims Act qui tam actions…

7 years ago

Can a violation of Good Manufacturing Practices give rise to False Claims Act Liability?

Good Manufacturing Practices and False Claims Act Liability Yes, and indeed drug manufacturer Ranbaxy pleaded…

7 years ago

What is the public disclosure bar in the False Claims Act?

  False Claims Act Public Disclosure Bar The public disclosure bar prohibits a qui tam…

7 years ago

What is the first-to-file bar in False Claims Act qui tam cases?

  False Claims Act First-to-File Bar The first-to-file bar prohibits a whistleblower from bringing suit…

7 years ago