whistleblower rights and protections

What is a whistleblower?

What is a whistleblower?

What is a whistleblower? A whistleblower is a person who exposes wrongdoing, such as fraud,…

5 years ago

What is the SEC Office of the Whistleblower?

  SEC Office of the Whistleblower In 2011, the SEC Office of the Whistleblower was…

5 years ago

Is Whistleblowing About Upcoding Protected Under the False Claims Act’s Anti-Retaliation Provision?

  Yes.  For example, in January 2019, Tennessee District Judge Pamela Reeves held that Thomas…

5 years ago

What Issues Should I Consider Before Filing an SEC Whistleblower Complaint?

  Issues to Consider Before Filing an SEC Whistleblower Complaint Every client’s potential matter is…

6 years ago

What laws prohibit defense contractors from retaliating against whistleblowers?

Collapse False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection for Defense Contractor Whistleblowers The anti-retaliation provision of the…

6 years ago

Is an employer’s knowledge of protected whistleblowing a separate element of a whistleblower retaliation case?

The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board has held that knowledge of protected whistleblowing is…

6 years ago

To engage in protected conduct, must a whistleblower cite a specific violation of law or regulation?

Scope of Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board and several federal…

6 years ago

What is preemptive retaliation?

Preemptive Retaliation The doctrine of preemptive retaliation permits a whistleblower to bring a claim where…

7 years ago

Is False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection Limited to Disclosures About the Whistleblower’s Employer?

  No.  The whistleblower protection provision of the False Claims Act (FCA) protects "lawful acts done…

7 years ago

Are disclosures about bank fraud protected under the Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower law?

  SOX Whistleblower Law Protects Disclosures About Bank Fraud Yes, a disclosure about bank fraud…

7 years ago

Does subjecting an employee to heightened scrutiny evidence retaliation?

Where an employer jumps on an employee’s first instance of misconduct or poor performance and…

7 years ago

Is constructive discharge a prohibited act of retaliation under SOX?

  Is constructive discharge a prohibited act of retaliation under SOX? Retaliatory termination goes beyond…

7 years ago