To engage in protected conduct, must a whistleblower cite a specific violation of law or regulation?

To engage in protected conduct, must a whistleblower cite a specific violation of law or regulation?

Scope of Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board and several federal…

6 years ago

What “related actions” qualify for an SEC whistleblower award?

Awards for "Related Actions" under the SEC Whistleblower Program Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, the SEC…

6 years ago

Are attorney fees paid from an SEC or CFTC whistleblower award taxable?

  Under 26 U.S. Code § 62(a)(21), as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act of…

6 years ago

What is the original source exception to the public disclosure bar?

Collapse Original Source Exception to Public Disclosure Bar The public disclosure bar prohibits a relator…

6 years ago

What is a qui tam whistleblower lawsuit?

False Claims Act relators are eligible to receive 10% to 30% of the recovery.  In…

6 years ago

Is a threat to take a disciplinary action an adverse employment action?

Yes, a threat in response to protected activity can constitute retaliation.  See Stallard v. Norfolk…

7 years ago

Is a warning letter an adverse employment action?

Yes, a written warning or counseling session will be considered presumptively adverse where: (a) it…

7 years ago

What is a reverse false claim?

Reverse False Claims Liability Reverse false claims liability arises where an entity or individual avoids…

7 years ago

What are examples of SOX protected activity (protected whistleblowing)?

SOX Protected Whistleblowing Whistleblowers are protected under SOX for providing information, causing information to be…

7 years ago

Does the Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower law protect employees working outside the United States?

Courts have held that SOX whistleblower protection does not apply extraterritorially, but in certain circumstances, the…

7 years ago

Pay discrimination claims under the Equal Pay Act versus Title VII: what is the difference?

Major differences between EPA and Title VII pay discrimination claims Although Title VII and the…

7 years ago

What is preemptive retaliation?

Preemptive Retaliation The doctrine of preemptive retaliation permits a whistleblower to bring a claim where…

7 years ago