corporate whistleblower

ARB Decision Clarifies Favorable Causation Standard for Whistleblowers

ARB Decision Clarifies Favorable Causation Standard for Whistleblowers

The Administrative Review Board’s decision in Powers v. Union Pacific Railroad is a significant victory for whistleblowers…

9 years ago

DC Whistleblower Lawyer Chairing CLE About Qui Tam, SEC, and IRS Whistleblower Rewards Claims

  Leading whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman will be chairing a DC Bar CLE titled “Recent…

10 years ago

Law360 Quotes Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Zuckerman About Sarbanes-Oxley Causation Standard

  SOX Whistleblower Lawyer Interviewed about SOX Causation Standard An article titled 4th Circ. SOX…

10 years ago

SEC Whistleblower Attorney Jason Zuckerman Quoted About Battle Over Corporate Whistleblower Rules

  An article titled Battle over corporate whistleblower rules won't end with SEC vote discusses corporate opposition…

11 years ago

Whistleblower Advocate Jason Zuckerman Quoted in Article on Whistleblower Provisions of Health Reform Law

In article titled Whistle-Blower Protections Tucked into Health Reform Law,whistleblower attorney Jason Zuckerman is quoted…

11 years ago