executive employment law

Equal Pay Day and the continuing importance of the Equal Pay Act

Equal Pay Day and the continuing importance of the Equal Pay Act

Equal Pay Day is the date (March 24) that symbolizes how far into the year…

3 years ago

Ruling in gender pay discrimination case: past earnings cannot justify pay discrimination

One of the most hotly debated topics in employment law is whether basing employees’ salaries…

4 years ago

Gender discrimination attorney publishes guide to the Equal Pay Act

Although Congress passed the Equal Pay Act (EPA) in 1963, its goal of eradicating pay…

4 years ago

Red flags to watch for in settlement/severance agreements

As with many things, the devil is in the details with confidentiality and non-disparagement clauses.…

5 years ago

If You Are 50+ You Likely Will Be Pushed Out Of Your Job, So Plan Now

ProPublica and the Urban Institute recently issued a report with startling conclusions about the lasting…

6 years ago

Eric Bachman interviewed about combatting sexual harassment at work and negotiating severance packages

A helpful new resource for employees, Simone, is designed to empower women to build successful…

6 years ago

Eric Bachman interviewed about #metoo in the financial services industry

Sexual harassment lawyer Eric Bachman spoke with WealthManagement.com about the persistent problem of sexual harassment…

6 years ago

Leading discrimination lawyer issues guide to “Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Tips for Combatting Promotion Discrimination”

Despite significant gains made by women and minorities across corporate America, a stubborn glass ceiling…

6 years ago

Are law firm partners “employees” or “employers?” A new case probes this pressing legal issue

A new case in California explores the ongoing legal debate about whether law firm partners…

6 years ago

The glass ceiling thins the ranks of African-American managers in the financial services industry

The proportion of African-American managers in financial services companies has actually decreased from 2007 to…

7 years ago

The wage gap personified: compared to men, women will work the last 10 weeks of the year for free

"The median salary for women working full-time is about 80 percent of men’s," the Washington…

7 years ago

Eric Bachman interviewed about the impact of arbitration agreements on sexual harassment cases

Eric Bachman was recently interviewed on "The Why" news program to discuss the interplay between…

7 years ago