In a glass ceiling or other employment discrimination case, one of the factors a court will likely analyze is how the company treated you compared … Continued
You’ve performed impressively in an upper management position at your company but, despite trying multiple times and having excellent qualifications, you still haven’t been able to … Continued
If you believe you’ve been unfairly passed over for a key promotion by your company, this whiteboard video offers some insights and tips on what … Continued
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it had settled a long-running glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case on behalf of female employees against Sterling Jewelers. … Continued
African-American financial advisors at Wells Fargo have reached a proposed $35 million settlement to resolve their class action lawsuit, which asserts that a racial glass ceiling for … Continued
The Supreme Court occasionally rules on issues related to arbitration agreements and class action requirements and these decisions have a major impact on the size, … Continued
You think your employer has a glass ceiling and discriminated against you when you were passed over for a recent promotion. Whether your company overlooked you because … Continued