promotion to executive position

An appreciation of Ann Hopkins, a glass ceiling pioneer

An appreciation of Ann Hopkins, a glass ceiling pioneer

Ann Hopkins recently passed away, nearly 30 years after her seminal Supreme Court case helped…

6 years ago

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Tying Executives’ Bonuses To Diversity Initiatives

The financial industry continues to be plagued by a lack of diversity and complaints about…

6 years ago

The glass ceiling thins the ranks of African-American managers in the financial services industry

The proportion of African-American managers in financial services companies has actually decreased from 2007 to…

7 years ago

How glass ceiling discrimination decelerates the careers of female mutual fund managers

Glass ceiling and promotion discrimination issues plague many professions, including economics, science, and technology fields.…

7 years ago

A vicious cycle: how the glass ceiling fuels workplace sexual harassment

High-profile sexual harassment cases and issues have been splashed all over the news for months…

7 years ago

Fortune 500 glass ceiling endures: only 5% of CEOs are women

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, the number of female CEO's among Fortune 500…

7 years ago

Who is considered a “similarly situated employee” in my employment discrimination case?

In a glass ceiling or other employment discrimination case, one of the factors a court…

7 years ago

4 signs your company may have a glass ceiling

You've performed impressively in an upper management position at your company but, despite trying multiple times…

7 years ago