wage gap

How glass ceiling discrimination decelerates the careers of female mutual fund managers

How glass ceiling discrimination decelerates the careers of female mutual fund managers

Glass ceiling and promotion discrimination issues plague many professions, including economics, science, and technology fields.…

7 years ago

The interplay between Title VII and the Equal Pay Act and why it matters in your pay discrimination claim

Two of the main federal laws that help ensure female employees are paid the same…

7 years ago

Are executives and law firm partners covered by Title VII’s employment discrimination protections?

One of the more hotly debated topics is whether executives should be viewed as the employer…

7 years ago

Proving glass ceiling discrimination

How can I prove “glass ceiling”/promotion discrimination? You believe your employer did not promote you…

7 years ago

Glass ceiling discrimination defined

  “Glass ceiling” discrimination defined Perhaps you've heard the phrase “glass ceiling” used around the office…

7 years ago