A win by a Sarbanes-Oxley Act (“SOX”) whistleblower in Burns v Medtronic, No. 8:15-cv-2330-T17-TBM, 2016 WL 3769369 (M.D. Fla. July 12, 2016), highlights the broad … Continued
Swap Dealer Disclosure and Reporting Requirements Under the Dodd-Frank Act, swap dealers and major swap participants are required to comply with certain disclosure, … Continued
Settlement of Whistleblower Retaliation Case Includes Rescission of Immediate Reporting Policy In a settlement of two Section 11(c) whistleblower retaliation cases, US Steel agreed to rescind … Continued
Disclosing Toxic Mold Exposure is Protected Whistleblowing Under Section 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act IFCO Services N.A. (IFCO) has agreed to pay $105,000 … Continued
Whistleblower protection lawyer Jason Zuckerman lectured at a DC Bar course titled “Handling Whistleblower Cases: More Than the Basics.” The course addressed the following … Continued
The Department of Labor Administrative Review Board’s decision in Dietz v. Cypress Semiconductor Corp. establishes important precedent on the broad scope of protected whistleblowing under … Continued
Bank Whistleblower Defeats Motion for Summary Judgment Richard Trusz, the former head of valuation at a subsidiary of UBS, has defeated a motion for summary … Continued
Whistleblower Law Protecting Employees in Banking and Financial Services OSHA has issued final rules implementing the whistleblower protection provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Act … Continued
What Whistleblower Protection Laws Protect or Reward Accountants and Auditors? In Lawson v. FMR, the Supreme Court recognized the critical roles that auditors and accountants play … Continued
JP Morgan Chase Whistleblower Prevails in CFPA Retaliation Claim at OSHA OSHA has ordered JP Morgan Chase to reinstate a former operations manager whose employment … Continued
SEC and SOX Whistleblower Attorney Named a Top Washington DC Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Zuckerman, founding partner of leading whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law, was named a … Continued
Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Need Not Prove Securities Fraud In Donaldson v. Severn Savings Bank, Judge Bredar held that there is no independent materiality element to establish protected … Continued