whistleblower protection

Sarbanes Oxley Whistleblower Win Shows Strong Need For Whistleblower Protections

Sarbanes Oxley Whistleblower Win Shows Strong Need For Whistleblower Protections

  Becker's Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Claim The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently awarded $1.9 million…

8 years ago

SEC Advocates Broad Construction of Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protection Law

SEC Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Retaliation Case The Securities and Exchange Commission…

8 years ago

ARB Decision Clarifies Favorable Burden-Shifting Framework for Whistleblowers

The Department of Labor Administrative Review Board’s ruling in Palmer v. Canadian National Railway, ARB…

8 years ago

False Claims Act Retaliation Law Protects Efforts to Stop an FCA Violation

False Claims Act Whistleblower Protection for Government Contractor Employees A decision in a False Claims…

8 years ago

SOX Whistleblower Decision Clarifies Broad Scope of SOX Protected Conduct

A win by a Sarbanes-Oxley Act (“SOX”) whistleblower in Burns v Medtronic, No. 8:15-cv-2330-T17-TBM, 2016…

8 years ago

DOL ARB Considering Whether Affirmative Defense Evidence is Relevant to a Whistleblower’s Burden of Proving Causation

  At oral argument on August 24, 2016, whistleblower attorney Dallas Hammer urged the Department of…

8 years ago

Whistleblower Lawyer Zuckerman Quoted About OSHA Whistleblower Investigations

A Bloomberg-BNA article entitled New Whistle-Blower Investigation Guidance From OSHA quotes leading whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman about…

8 years ago

SOX Whistleblower Lawyer Co-Authors ABA Paper About Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protection

  Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Lawyer SOX whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman co-authored the 2016 Annual Update on…

8 years ago

False Claims Act Retaliation Decision Calls “Duty Speech” Heightened Pleading Standard into Question

Whistleblower Disclosed False Billing A recent decision from the Southern District of New York denying…

9 years ago

District Court Rejects Materiality Requirement for Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Actions

Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Need Not Prove Securities Fraud In Donaldson v. Severn Savings Bank, Judge Bredar held…

9 years ago

ARB holds that Taping Workplace Conversations Is Protected Whistleblowing

Recording a Conversation Can Be Protected Whistleblowing In a nuclear whistleblower retaliation case, the DOL…

9 years ago

DC Whistleblower Lawyer Will Speak on Webinar About Recent Developments In Whistleblower Law

  Whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman will speak at a NELA webinar on September 30, 2015…

9 years ago