Food Safety Whistleblower Protection Law The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which imposes stricter food safety standards and grants the Food and Drug Administration … Continued
FCW published an interview with whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman discussing the important role whistleblowers play in disclosing wasteful spending, gross mismanagement, and dangers to public … Continued
Jason Zuckerman co-authored a paper titled The U.S. Office of Special Counsel’s Role in Protecting Whistleblowers and Serving as a Safe Channel for Government Employees … Continued
Jason Zuckerman published an article on the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act in the ABA’s Labor and Employment Law Flash. The article discusses the Whistleblower Protection … Continued
In an article in The Wall Street Journal and in a Wall Street Journal blog post, Jason Zuckerman, a whistleblower advocate, was quoted regarding regulations … Continued
In article titled Whistle-Blower Protections Tucked into Health Reform Law,whistleblower attorney Jason Zuckerman is quoted about the whistleblower protections provisions in the health care reform … Continued